... I feel like such a pest asking all these questions that probably seem stupid to everyone lol... butttt....

has anyone ever had any experiences with eastern garters biting them?
I ONCE and ONLY Once caught one when I was a teenager, that if i put my finger to it's nose it would open up its mouth like it was barely nipping at me but nothing aggressive really. And even then this wasnt every time. Now I would THINK that wild caught garters would probably be MORE likely to bite or try to bite anyway when handled, but maybe Im wrong. Is this very UNCOMMON for garters to attempt biting or is it just that its coincidence that over time and all the garters Ive caught over the years just never tried to bite me? I guess Im just talking about eastern garters I think because as far as I KNOW (and I guess I wouldnt be the best person to try and take a stab at what kind of garter it was ANYWAY lol) that's all Ive ever caught as far as GARTER snakes go.

I dunno if anyone can really answer this question because it may not be specific enough =/ haha... but i dont know any other way to ask it.