Quote Originally Posted by Hankj View Post
Today someone wanted to meet her so I was holding her and she was being pretty calm but she was making a noise I have not heard from her before. I'm guessing it was a hiss? But that is not the right onomatopoeia it was more like a "pfff" I heard it twice when I was holding her.

When I put her in the take I saw her go to the water for the first time without me encouraging it. She put her whole body in there, not at the same time, but more like slithering through it haha. She even slipped in at one point and kind of panicked, you could see air bubbles coming out. The water is only 3 inches deep maybe.

While she was wading I heard her make the noise again and open her mouth and being real active. I offered her a night crawler, from my hand just kind of dangled it in front of her and she wasn't interested.

Is this noise unusual or mean anything?
Could be part of her injury.
I think you have a long road ahead of you and I want to thank you again for taking the time with her.