General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
This litter was born a couple days ago. The mother is a peach flame double het for albino and melanistic (het snow, originally produced by Joe Peck...
:( Tribulation - lid on Sangria's tub broke. :D Triumph - thanks to an inattentive cashier I got a 3 tub set for the price of one. :D Triumph -...
I finnally found a garter! Ive got him in a ten gallon with some fake plants, a paper towel tube, half a coconut and his water dish. He's just about...
I've so many pictures of my babies that it's hard to select just a few to show off! Wesley was my first Ribbon. When I took Wesley in to my...
I'm finding very few for sale, and when I do there only seem to be checkerd garters available, not that I wouldn't want a checkerd. I just trying to...
Here's the hold back pair of red spots I got from Richard... Kept the 2 nicest ones.. they are taking whole pinkies now. they are from a normal and...
I just got back from vacation and my snake has changed. My friend was watching him for a month while I was gone and now he always tries to bite me...
So i just found this garter outside in my yard, and i was wondering if someone could help me figure out what kind of garter he is. Thanks!
Hmm where to start... Last season when Scott Felzer produced the Blackbelly Garters from Central America(?) I happened to grab a trio of them. I...
Today, I was able to visit the den at Alicia's home. I think I was a week late getting there as there were only a few males left in the area. Since...
These are my outside pets. They have been there for three years. My question is are they both females because of the size, they are both really fat...
There's a first for everything right? Right now I'm frantically trying to hunt her down from what it looks to be an escape. I had changed out her...
I found this young male caught in the siding on the back deck. He was very well behaved afterwords and let me get a few photos before heading under...
Have you guys ever had a snake that doesn't really seem to know how to use a water bowl? That's kind of how my snake acts, he only drinks if I put...
Thamnophis eques obscurus babies pics - Reptile Forums
a very underrepresented species in the hobby...i think they're awesome
I know absolutely nothing about garter snakes but I have a question and I couldn't find any answers online. I found this site and you guys obviously...
Could someone please let me know the range of this species in the U.S.? Perhaps post a range map? Thanks.
I thought this was interesting...saw it on The Reptile Report....Field Herp Forum • View topic - Western Massasauga conservation in Nebraska
Babies were born on the Ranch. The albino het T.s.p. that Joe sent me had babies last night. At this point she has had a total of 5 babies...
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