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Thread: Constipated!

  1. #1
    "Preparing For Second shed" Quibble's Avatar
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    Unhappy Constipated!

    It was feeding day last night and Gimpie was uninterested for the 3rd feeding in a row. I've noticed some weightloss over the last couple weeks, though I havn't been too concerened because shes fatter than the others. However, after watching her, I noticed shes having trouble deficating. She is ever so slightly bulged just above the cloaca so I know theres something there for her to pass. But she pushes so hard, and only small ammounts are passed tinted with blood.
    I've moved her to a smaller enclosure with paper towel with styrofoam and egg carton hides, and have been giving her frequent 10 minute soaks in warm water in tupperware containers. I have found 3 small fecal spots in her enclosure with a pink tint around them. At least something is going through, but the near future still doesnt look too good.
    I feel a vet visit is impractical, seeing as how she is wild caught, I have no idea of her age, and I just spent $210 for a vet after discovering one of my cats has jaundice, and were not even finished with her yet. Im hoping Gimpie will be able to pull through this, if not I'm doing everything in my power to make her last days as comfortable as possible. I guess its a good thing she hasnt eaten much lately, the blocage could be much more severe.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Constipated!

    Doesn't sound good that's for sure. I'd say warm water soakings and some forced swimming to loosen things up, but it sounds like it's already a bit beyond that point. Still, might be saved with proper medical attention.

  3. #3
    "Preparing For Second shed" Quibble's Avatar
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    Re: Constipated!

    I really am debating the vet thing.
    Although, Im not even sure theres a blockage. She didnt feel bloated much at all during her last swim. But im still finding tiny pinkish poo spots on the paper towel.
    Im keeping a close eye on her. I dont know if I should be offering her food or not.
    "Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be grateful, Work with diligence, Be kind to people." -Mikao Usui

  4. #4
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Constipated!

    What did she eat last? I thought I have read on the forum at one time that certain food items can produce fecal samples with a "reddish" tint. Are you sure it's blood? Keeping fingers crossed for you & her.
    Le Ann

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  5. #5
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Constipated!

    if she is really blocked up, I doubt that she would eat, so offering food might give you some info
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  6. #6
    "Preparing For Second shed" Quibble's Avatar
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    Re: Constipated!

    The last thig she ate was 1 worm on May 3rd. I'm going worm hunting this afternoon see if I can find her a nightcrawler or 5.
    "Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be grateful, Work with diligence, Be kind to people." -Mikao Usui

  7. #7
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    Re: Constipated!

    The only time I find night crawlers is when I'm not looking for them. I cheat and buy them.

  8. #8
    "Preparing For Second shed" Quibble's Avatar
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    Re: Constipated!

    Yeah I gave up looking and went and bought some. But she wasnt interested in food today...
    "Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be grateful, Work with diligence, Be kind to people." -Mikao Usui

  9. #9
    "Preparing For Second shed" Quibble's Avatar
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    Re: Constipated!

    Shes not doing good at all. I havnt seen any new spots over the last 24 hours. But shes very limp and smells musky.
    Maybe the soaks I gave her stressed her out and made it worse....
    "Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be grateful, Work with diligence, Be kind to people." -Mikao Usui

  10. #10
    Subadult snake
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    Re: Constipated!

    I doubt the soaks made it any worse, you did all you could do; bringing her to a vet may be the only hope...if it isn't already too late.

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