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  1. #1
    "First shed In Progress"
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    HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    Hi people - sorry for the odd title.

    Found a lovely female garter outside just now, 1.5 feet long, looks like she cannot poop out whatever it is she ate. I can't tell what it was, but it is quite stuck on the way out and quite uncomfortable looking.
    She seems hhealthy, docile and otherwise unharmed. She doesn't seem to be in pain.

    Currently I have her in the bathtub with a half-inch or so of warm water, and she's swimming around happily. I'd like this to soften whatever this is. She can rest, yes, she won't drown, not enuf water..

    Is this right: do I try to remove this object? I dunno what it is (organic/animal or what) but do I just soak her and gently try to remove it? Looks like if it stays, shell eventually die from it, and it is stretching the vent trying to come out.

    HELP appreciated


  2. #2
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    softening it up is great idea
    you can also add some aloe to her bath
    it functions as a mild laxative in addition to being soothing in case there's abrasion, and a bit slippery too
    don't use cosmetic products though - either fresh aloe or something like stress coat for fish, which has a bunch of aloe in it
    if she's not stressed and you can get her to take worms - they're a bit laxative as well
    if it doesn't come out without injury, she may require stitches
    do you have a vet that will do that?
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  3. #3
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    No, I don't have a vet that I know of, not out here where I live especially, nor do I believe there's any aloe around here that isn't a cosmetic or lotion, like skin creams etc..
    What I DO have is betadine, incase there is minor injory, and also mineral oil, though at the moment she doesn't need betadine as there doesn't appear to be injury--YET,and I don't know if mineral oil would be the best idea, though I have used it in the past as per advice elsewhere, as a skin treatment after bathing them, to keep their skin soft & protected from dryness after bathing.

    I'll keep her in the tub for now and see how this goes. W/any luck she might be able to get it out herself if it softens sufficuiently,.. FIngers crossed.

  4. #4
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    Also, I have cod liver oil think that may be helpful in the bath? Certainly it's GOOD for us but might it be useful in this case?

  5. #5
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    I haven't a clue
    can't imagine that it'll be bad for her
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  6. #6
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    On close examination, the item appears to be an undigested food item. It's definitely 'animal parts' and is undigested. I am fairly certain it isn't actually a prolapse of some sort, otherwise I would think that my messing with it would be causing her significant discomfort, which it isn't from what I can tell.
    This girl is very docile, but doesn't seem lethargic. She didn't even strike at me when I chased her down outside.

    OK, well going to add some codliver oil to the bath :P

  7. #7
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    Further research points towards a cloacal or rectal prolapse

    Without a vet at my disposal, I will not be sure.
    What to do.... Release her to fend for herself, or put her out of her misery?
    Which is the lesser of the two evils? Advice?

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    I've read about a few "home remedies", but I don't dare repeat them. Looking for links now..

  9. #9
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    Yes, I've read of them too.. I am not going to try reinserting her innards, especially if they aren't infact her innards.

    I wonder too if I mistake her docility for near-death lethargy. She's not like EVERY other snake I haev ever caught; she's too calm..
    I am leaning toward what I think is the obvious

  10. #10
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: HELP: rescued snake w/object stuck in vent- what to do?

    Wrong species, but this has been quoted on another herp forum:

    GTP Care

    The first order of business is to keep the swollen tissues from drying out. Place the snake in an appropriate size container (such as a deli cup for babies) with a small amount of warm water in it. Be sure that the water isn't deep enough to drown the chondro - use just enough to keep the swollen tissue moist. Make a thick sugar and water paste and apply some to the tissues. Often this will cause the prolapse to retract within a few hours, or overnight. An eye dropper can be useful in applying the sugar paste. Sometimes the tissue will go down in size but not fully retract. Use a clean blunt tool such as an appropriate size sexing probe, and gently push the tissue back into the body cavity. Push the tissue completely into the body, but not farther than is needed to get it all reinserted. If you aren't comfortable with doing this, or if no improvement has been observed within 24 hours, see let a qualified veterinarian. In really bad cases, mild anesthesia will be needed to relax the muscles enough for reinsertion. Sometimes a purse-string suture is needed to retain the prolapse while things heal.

    Withhold food from the recovering animal for at least a couple of weeks and then start with very small food items. Watch for a normal defecation, and then slowly work back up to normal meal size and feeding frequency. Most cases of prolapse look much worse than they really are, and usually the condition is very treatable if caught early. Adult females can make a full recovery and go on to lay eggs without complications, as long as sufficient time is allowed for complete healing.

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