"PM Boots For Custom Title"
2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
I've decided to make a list of Plains garter morphs (Thamnophis radix). If i missed any please feel free to add to the list via the comments section.
Red (incomplete dominant)
High Red
Hypo (polygenic)
Red hypo
Anerythristic (recessive, co-allelic to blue axanthic)
T- Albino (recessive) (Iowa albino)
T- Orange Albino
T- Red Albino
T- High Red Albino
T- Hybino (polygenic)
T- Red Hybino
T- Snow (double visual anerythristic/T- albino)
T- Blizzard (double visual blue axanthic/T- albino)
T- Red Blizzard
T+ Albino (recessive) (Nebraska albino)
T+ Red Albino
T+ High Red Albino
T+ Snow (double visual anerythristic/T+ albino
T+ Blizzard (double visual blue axanthic/T+ albino)
Blue Axanthic (recessive) (co-allelic to anerythristic)
Red Blue Axanthic
*Black &White Axanthic (recessive)
*White Sided (unproven)
Aztec (unproven)
*Black & White axanthic is currently being bred to the following morphs. T- albino, T- blizzard, T- snow, T+ albino and blue axanthic. B&W axanthic has already successfully bred to T- albino and Blue axanthic and have produced offspring. The offspring from the pairings listed above could possibly create new morphs.
*The white sided morph was found at the end of the summer of 2016 and is in Dan Krull's care. He plans on breeding her later this year or next season.
"Third shed, A Success"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
White side??? How does she looks like?
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
she looks like a white side lol i cant post pics so cant show you. anthony luison might have the pic ask him to send it to you on fb
"Third shed, A Success"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
Just a note it is just allelic not co-allelic.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
ok thanks. im just going by what jeff has called it in the past
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
Here is a link to a photo of the white sided
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10207435968252029&set=p.10207435968 252029&type=3&theater
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
I remember this snake, but how does he know for sure it's a radix?
 Originally Posted by Tommytradix
Here is a link to a photo of the white sided
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10207435968252029&set=p.10207435968 252029&type=3&theater
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
That is a nice list Tommy. Can't wait to see how the black and white interact with the other genes. Also, that white sided is really nice hope it makes lots of babies, I want a pair.
Ant is correct, the proper terminology is just allelic, meaning two different alleles or forms/variants of a gene at the same loci or location, either virtually or functionally on the genome. I just used co-allelic because that is often easier to understand. In reality these things and terms are often not just black and white. Anery and axanthic (for lack of better descriptors) are probably co-dominant, incomplete dominant, or something somewhere in-between as well. There are many many genes that go into what a snake looks like as a morph let alone the individual snake. We have all seen variation even within a litter of the same morph.
It's fun to make new combos. Ideally we should try to use the best terminology, but to a point it doesn't matter, we just enjoy what we are looking at. Some people like morphs and new combos, and other people like wild type. Some people like to try to understand genetics and some people just like to bred and enjoy surprises.
Have fun, good luck with all those cool new radix combos Tommy.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: 2017 Thamnophis Radix Morphs
Thanks Jeff. it dont matter to me what they are called but what i know them as is what i will call them. what genetics do on a genetic level has always been a lil harder for me to grasp but i know what to expect when the genes are bred to each other or to something else and to me thats all that matters lol the B&W combos are very exciting to me.
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