2012 Babies

1.0 blue axanthic plains around 11” long $60.00 feeding on night crawlers and small pinkies.

1.0 Anery plains around 9” he is on the smaller side but don’t miss a meal feeds on pinky parts and night crawlers. $50.00

1.0 Erythristic eastern het snow around 14” feeding on 4 pinkies at a time $150.00

2.0 double het snow eastern around 13” feeding on 3 or 4 pinkies at a time. $125.00 ea.

0.1 similis very nice around 13” feeding on pinkies. $55.00

1.0 Infernalis (blue phase) feeding on pinkies and nightcrawlers. $150.00

2013 Babies

Similis 2 different litters to choose from $40.00 ea or $70.00 for a pair.

Proven Wildcaught Blue anery eastern x florida albino eastern males $125.00 ,females $150.00, or pairs for $225.

1.0 100% het melanistic canescens $75.00

Call me at 864-449-8387 if you have any questions my name is Shawn. Thanks!