This afternoon, I had got home from school and my dad told me that the syringes had came. I had ordered 1mL syringes to deworm this year's wild caughts with. They measure in .02mL increments so I could deworm a snake that is only 2 grams (I wouldn't do this because I would be concerned about health issues with putting a syringe in a snake that small and also putting a chemical in a snake that small)! So I opened the box and my order of 100 1mL oral syringes had came (actually they sent me 101 yay!)! So I started going up my stairs to put the caps on all of them in my room, when BAM, I saw my escaped male proximus lying right there on the step. He was dehydrated a bit, but other than that he seemed good, so I soaked him in warm water, put him back in his cage and fixed the security issue. So I WILL be breeding proximus this year (I have 2 breeder females for him), and my wild caughts WILL be dewormed this year! Double win!