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  1. #161
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    What a day. I'm so tired I can hardly breathe. Not to mention my breakfast of Sliders (xtra cheese, xtra onions) didn't sit too well and I left early. I'm getting too effin' old to get as xcited as I do. What a weekend.

    SOME PEOPLE'S KIDS! And I don't mean the visitors' kids! I mean the two BONE-HEADS I adopted! They ate one worm, fairly good size, each and turned their noses up at Winnie's fuzzy's drumsticks! Second worms offered later in the day, "Huh! Ish! Yuck!"

    "Fine. Starve to death. There are starving snakes in India and you're gonna be sorry you didn't eat and I'm sending YOUR food to those poor snakes in India."

    They didn't bat an eye...

    Things didn't go too bad, considering they've been moving all over the country and the greater Twin Cities area for the past 48 hours. Would NOT settle down WHATSOEVER unless they were on my belly, next to my heart. Then they'd 'sleep.'

    They flipped, they flopped, they made lariats outta themselves. They twisted - how in the name o'the gods they didn't break their backs, I've no idea!

    THEN... I'm packing them up to leave. Get Jeepers in the little deli-thingy. Then put in Peepers who I could hardly control and he kept getting away from me. FINALLY get him in the deli container they came in AND HE'S THE ONLY EFFING' SNAKE IN THERE! I screamed bloody murder for Jo and MaryJo, who both came to my rescue. Jeepers was found under one and between two stacks of drying boxes for plant seeds that were on the table.

    The Jos had to do a he's-going-your-way-now-he's-going-mine-wait-now-he's-back-that-way deal. Jo, the calm sweet one - that JEEPERS TRIED TO BITE THREE TIMES TODAY!!!!!!! - got him, hugged him, and the three o'us got him in the deli container with Peepers. SOMEHOW managing not to break their backs in 10 places or smoosh them when the lid was put on tightly.

    SHEESH! Oh! I must say of Jo, every time Jeepers struck trying to bite her, she never moved a muscle. He's never tried to bite me, ever, but her he did. We found it quite funny.

    I kept dozing off during the snake presentation even though I was sitting up front, by The Boys, next to the screen. I'm telling you, I'm really tired. Not too much sleep this weekend. Oh, well! Very worth it!

    People really seemed to enjoy the comparison between Winnie and The Boys; both being Common Eastern garters but different looks. Was fun to explain about all the different garters. I never let any one touch them and only let the visitors watch me feed them the two worms that they did manage to eat. I did take them out off and on during the day, but no one but me - and Jo catching Jeepers - was allowed to mess with them. Just way too little yet.

    Winnie looks like a huge effin' MONSTER next to The Boys! And she was always my "wee baby girl." She's HUGE!

    The Boys knew when they were 'home.' I'd taken out all the substrate I'd made and put in that cocoa nut stuff until I realized I didn't want it in there as it's too dusty. So used the remainder of the pretty big bark chips and that repti-bark or whatever stuff.

    Fresh, clean water and in went The Boys. Both calmly cased the joint, smelling themselves and home. Peepers then went and hide between the glass and one o'the plant pots. Where Jeepers is, I've no idea.

    What a day. What a DAY.

    Would I redo what I've done? Never. It took Winnie freakin' FOREVER - like all winter - before she calmed down quickly in my hands. Peepers and Jeepers will come around. They've just had as big a weekend as I have and are prolly going on as little sleep, too.

    We'll be fine.
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
    3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
    3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
    1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello

  2. #162
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    The pillow case I gave you is safer, just drop them in and tie the top shut.

    The struggling, I know, we had fun getting them in that deli cup the first time,.

  3. #163
    In Hog Heaven
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    Saint Paul, MN
    Country: United States

    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    I didn't want to use the bag alone as they're such small, sweet, wee things. I felt they'd be safer in the deli cup, in the bag, then in the box.

    Rite now both are out like lites. "Lucky them," she says... They scooted around when first put in - even Peepers, the reticent one - and then sacked out. Wes, Mr. Mouser, has discovered Peepers' hiding place between the plant pot and the side o'the glass and just STARES at Peepers. He used to do this with my 45 gal fish tank, for HOURS on end. Nice I can give the cats interactive toys.

    Again, thanks Dekay! They're lovely boys, especially Peepers with that tourquisey bluish/green and his chocolate spots. He's a sssseessssy, handsome dude!

    Oh! Jeepers is starting to spot up vs. be all stripes. And there's the teeniest hint of tourquise on him. I don't think he'll be the glamor boy is 'bro' is, but you never know!
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
    3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
    3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
    1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello

  4. #164
    The Golden Snake crzy_kevo's Avatar
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    Country: Canada

    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    sound like you had quite the day gertie and ya the pillow case is the best way i always take one when i go out snake hunting its the best way to catch a snake well i think so anyway

  5. #165
    I am not obsessed.... GartersRock's Avatar
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    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    Choas!!!!! lol! =D
    Amanda Tolleson

  6. #166
    In Hog Heaven
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    Country: United States

    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    I just found out Kenabec, my Hoggy hatchling, is ready tomorrow.

    I've asked to wait to get him, about two weeks. 1) I get paid; 2) I have to set up his wee little plastic carrier home-thingy; 3) If Peepers and Jeepers are yearlings, GOSH! A hatchling is going to be no bigger than a minute!

    Dekay, you're so SMART! After getting Peepers and Jeepers I'm quite hesitant to get a hatchling. It's not that I don't think I'll take proper care of him, but bigger snakes are more hardy. Little tiny things are SO FRAGILE!

    I'm so excited to get him! But...

    Yeah, at least two more weeks...
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
    3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
    3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
    1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello

  7. #167
    I am not obsessed.... GartersRock's Avatar
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    Re: Gertie's Gravid!


    You know, a hognose hatchling will be sturdier then a yearling garter. They are fatter. So don't worry to much.

    Whoohoo!! Come on Hoggy Kennebec!!!
    Amanda Tolleson

  8. #168
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Snake lover 3-25's Avatar
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    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    congrats!!!!! good luck with the babies!!!!
    S h a n l e y
    1.3 eastern garters
    1 midland painted turtle
    1 bernese mountain dog
    1 half siamese cat

  9. #169
    In Hog Heaven
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    Jun 2008
    Saint Paul, MN
    Country: United States

    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    Really, Rockster? That's really good to know! However, finances will make me have to wait.

    Thanks, Shanley!
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
    3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
    3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
    1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello

  10. #170
    I am not obsessed.... GartersRock's Avatar
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    San Marcos, TX
    Country: United States

    Re: Gertie's Gravid!

    Yep. Cute, chunky little guys... I gotta get me some!
    Amanda Tolleson

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