No, I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth. I've just discovered facebook! ( UGH! What a waste of time! Why am I addicted to something so useless???? )
I thought I might share an artsy pic I took recently of Bogo's pattern. I've been trying this out on most of my snakes. An eastern garter's colors are really beautiful when blown up. I didn't realize how much details are in the scales.
Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Tools are weapons. Weapons are tools. Both are dangerous in the hands of fools.
I was just saying to myself that that picture looks just like my Stewie. And then you said Eastern, of course! Beautiful snakes! Stewie is the pattern of your snake, Midnight has no checks so to speak and very much black. Stewie's babies are a mix of colorings.
Le Ann
"Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."
Can you imagine how much she's grown since April? Here's two comparison shots, one in the ring box the next, near it because she'll no longer fit! I can't get over how fascinated she is by the camera. I kept getting pics of her nose because she kept sticking it in the lens! That's my little supermodel! Work it baby, work it!
Tools are weapons. Weapons are tools. Both are dangerous in the hands of fools.