This might stir up some emotions in certainly does for me. I can understand how some snakes will ONLY eat live, and will starve themselves for over a year until they get something live. I also understand that some snakes need to be started on live until switched to f/t. What I don't understand is in a case where a snake, or lizard, or gecko, will happily eat a f/t pinkie/mouse/rat and the owner INSISTS on only feeding it live. I was just wonering what the point in that was? I've heard SO many arguments and just cannot see any logic in this. I've even heard many beeders say "I try not to feed f/t unless there's no other choice." Personally, I'd rather not risk the reptile's health and safety, and not be cruel to the prey item by forcing it to go through such a painful experience. I eat meat...but I don't eat a cow or pig while it's still alive