I thought I would post on behalf of my Old Dog. Her name is Alxis Rose Gilfillan. She is 16 years old. As you can see she is a very important member of our family. She came to me 16 years ago from our local animal shelter. I paid $20 and still have the receipt. At first, I'll be honest I thought I had Satan's Dog. As a puppy she was out of control. Nothing was safe from her. Every night I would return home from work and find something destroyed, turned over or chewed. Putting her in a room while I was at work didn't work as she would chew the bottom of the door or pull the molding off the walls. She was even able to rip solid oak flooring up. I wondered if life would always be like this. Then 1 day shortly after her 1st birthday I arrived home. To my surprize the front door opened without incident. Looking in the livingroom, everything was in its place. Sitting on the floor in the middle of the livingroom was a beautiful well behaved dog It was as if she was saying "Welcome home, I'm your dog"
My guess is the UPS driver must have delivered her brain that day.
Since that day she has earned my love, trust and respect. Everytime one of my children were born she would give them her seal of approval with a lick on their head. She sleeps with them when they're sick. Sits with them when they're sent to there rooms and tells on them when they're doing something wrong.
She is also a Life Saver. One night she directed me to a carbon monixide leak in the basement. Without her I would have died that night since I sleep in the basement. In the morning she gets first kisses and when they get home from school she's the first thing they look for. I don't mind at all.
Since my divorce she has stepped-up in her devotion and care for them. She is also my rock and my best friend. She helps raising 5 kids a whole lot easier. I'm lucky to have her. I hope you enjoy the photos.

She's my one in a lifetime dog.