Hi: I'm new on here, and have Madacascar Giant Green Day Geckos, a Tiger Salamander and a few small tree frogs( wild caught from our front yard, before they got run over with the Lawnmower) But I have a Question, My grandson 15, has wanted a snake for quite awhile, but after going to the Reptile Show/Sale, he didn't want a big snake at all. I would be helping him and since I'm scared of snakes WE BOTH want the SMALLEST gentle, snake we can find, That's why I am looking on here about Garter snakes, as we thought about an Albino Checkered Garter snake. Is there anything SMALLER out there that is Gentle, easy to handle and feeds well? This is a first for us, so we want to do a lot of looking and asking. We are NOT interested in a CORN snake, sorry! Any Ideas from you people that KNOW about the various kinds of SMALL snakes, would be much appreciatted. Thank You.