We went into Petco to get the snake food and as usual I wondered over to the adoption table. Next to 2 tanks of gerbils was this teeny little green tree frog in a giant 20 gallon tank. I had to inquire about him, and found out he had a "busted" eye. Being the sucker I am, I brought him home.

I have been researching like crazy about this eye issue and haven't found anything at all that looks like this. The employee said that he had what looked like a tumor under the eye and they had been giving him some kind of eye drops, then it "erupted" and sunk in. He hasn't moved at all since I put him in his terrarium, but the b/f said that's normal.


Here you can see the bad eye

This is the stick I sat him on hours ago, and he's still sitting there:

I still haven't named him yet, but his health is what's concerning me the most.

Also wanted to share a couple random pics:

House gecko:

My BP: