Yesterday we had to pack 12 garters for shipping, all of them small super active juveniles.

After struggling to get the first two into the deli cup without injury I figured there had to be a better way.

Simply place the snakes that are to be shipped in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, they will slow down to near lethargic, then just place them in the deli cup, snap on the lid and your done.

Before posting such a suggestion, I did some research and found that this is a sound idea, no harm to the snakes, and it even reduces the amount of stress both to the snakes and the person packing them.

Before closing, I would like to point out, I would never suggest this for any tropical species, Certain species from tropical climates may not tolerate this temporary chilling.

The extra 10 minutes it took to slow the animals down easily counteracted at least that much time or more that would have been spent trying to force multiple baby snakes into a deli cup.