I can't give many details as I'm still trying to figure them out, but YES!!! I am gravid and, actually, holding sperm for a second baby!

Thanks be to Mr. Wayne A. Harvey. God bless his heart! He's got a yearling he thinks needs my silly attention and who am I to disagree? My momma didn't raise no dummies!

He's also got a red-sided coming up for birthing... That's the one I'm 'holding sperm' for! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M PREGNANT WITH TWO GARTER BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Geeuz-christmas. Who'd a thunk? Chickens one day, feathers the next.

Needless to say I'm beside myself with joy. To be under the wings of a man I respect that has done so much for snakes, I'm truly honored. (Even if he is a horse's @$$ and sends nasty, fangy pictures!)

My gods! I'm SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dekay Wayne, thank you. Hugs and kisses.

Wayne's new website is:


Wayne... Congratulations on what you're doing. I hope in the future I can be a foster home. Or... A FOREVER HOME!

