I'll admit I'm nuts. But I really think this has merit. (I tend to have deep thoughts and do a lot of exenstential thinking...) Let me know your thoughts, particularly if you've noticed/experienced this.

We all know precious baby garters are born live. Unlike other snakes where the chicken-like deal occurs: fertilization, protecting covering, pushed out.

Okay, so for the entire development of those DARLING wee garters (Don'tcha just LOVE'UM!!!!) they're riding around in Mom and hearing her heart beat. For like, what? 45-60 days? Give or take?

I, personally, believe - based on my xperience - this (hearing Mom's heat beat for two months) has an impact on garters. Here's why:

I tend to sit with Winnie cupped in my hands, with my hands resting on my chest just almost smack-dab between my breasts. My hands being right in/close to/near the human heart area. It's just a comfort thing. Try it. You don't even need to support your elbows to be comfy. Well... I *do* have a poochy-outtie belly I'm able to rest my hands on...

Winnie, being WC, is a missy ants-in-her-pants when held. She doesn't Poo any longer, but she is a typical garter and does take time before she settles down.

I've found that when I hold her as I've explained above she will zonk out and go to sleep far quicker than if I just hold her in one hand, cupped and she's curled around my fingers. I mean, there's a HUGE difference in time. And she'll sleep like the dead. ZZZZZzzzzzzzz Yup.

Has anyone else noticed this?

If not, would you give it a try and see if you get the same results? And then post your results? *I* really think I'm on to something. But for all I know I really am certifiable, or this was documented a long time ago and I'm just experiencing a normalcy.