Well, you might remember me posting up in a previous thread where we were discussing the benefits or not of handling on our favourite snakies. I mentioned a study I did with two male Ribbon Snakes from the same litter ... Well ..... I found my scribbles (ie old notebook)

The study ran from 07/09/1995 to 20/12/1995 . The snakes (Steve and Dave) were 40.5cm and 47.5cm long and weighed 9.6g and 9.5g . Steve was handled extensively and Dave was the 'control' snake (ie minimum human contact). Both snakes would averagely consume half their body weight or slightly less at each feeding.

Study figures

Steve was handled for a total of 551.53hours
Dave was handled for 9.15hours

Steve gained 8.5g
Dave gained 1.2g

Steve gained 7.5cm
Dave gained 4.5cm

Steve was people friendly and very active
Dave was less active and would regulary musk when handled

Conclusion: Handling rocks!!!
Although, like I mentioned before, both snakes achieved a similar adult length and weight I beleive that all other factors aside that regular handling promotes the growth of young snakes.
(Also a larger study would be required for any real conclusion as my resources were limited - this being an SYS school project)

Other sub-studies lol
Choice chambers :
Both snakes recognised the scent of objects from their enclosure and would congregate in the choice chamber containing the object.
Both snakes when given the choice preferred the scent of my hand to both nothing and objects from their enclosure.
Both snakes showed a preferrence for Rosemary (from 2 seperate days of testing)
Steve and Dave's music genres of choice were Classical and Heavy Metal (and I'm not being biased lol!!! I spent weeks giving them a chance to experience everything Pop/Rap/Country you name it) although it's a little generalised.
The scientific way to analyse this is to confirm that Steve and Dave were drawn to music with slightly more erratic rythms (which would be more in tune with a prey item, for example). Heavily repetitive and bass heavy rythms (such as dance music) Repelled them (just like when you are told to use heavy footsteps in areas with poisonous snakes - giving the impression of a large animal).

There you go now go give your snakes some love