Hiyo. Just a little background- i came home from work the other night and my mom had gotten me two baby garter snakes from a friend who’s snake had 12. I have two corn snakes and so I know nothing about garters except the fact that they feel rougher than a corn.

That night I went out and bought a little tank and filled it with aspen substrate and a tiny water dish with egg carton hides. The two of them get along very nicely and don’t mind being held in the slightest. They’re about 2 weeks old.

Ive being doing some research on garter snakes and they’re environment and feeding habits. Today I went and bought a few feeder fish and was looking around for some worms, but couldn’t find the right ones. When I offered the fish, one got right in and got to work stunning the fish, beginning his process of eating it. The other wasnt interested at all in the fish.

The one who took the fish ate it about half way, stopped, and rolled around until the fish was out of his mouth. I figured it may have been too big at that point, even though it was the smallest I could find and he was very eager.

Did I maybe do something wrong? Was it the wrong food completely? What is best for them this early in life? Im worried about them not eating when they’re this young.