I've decided to make a list of Plains garter morphs (Thamnophis radix). If i missed any please feel free to add to the list via the comments section.

Red (incomplete dominant)
High Red
Hypo (polygenic)
Red hypo
Anerythristic (recessive, co-allelic to blue axanthic)
T- Albino (recessive) (Iowa albino)
T- Orange Albino
T- Red Albino
T- High Red Albino
T- Hybino (polygenic)
T- Red Hybino
T- Snow (double visual anerythristic/T- albino)
T- Blizzard (double visual blue axanthic/T- albino)
T- Red Blizzard
T+ Albino (recessive) (Nebraska albino)
T+ Red Albino
T+ High Red Albino
T+ Snow (double visual anerythristic/T+ albino
T+ Blizzard (double visual blue axanthic/T+ albino)
Blue Axanthic (recessive) (co-allelic to anerythristic)
Red Blue Axanthic
*Black &White Axanthic (recessive)
*White Sided (unproven)
Aztec (unproven)

*Black & White axanthic is currently being bred to the following morphs. T- albino, T- blizzard, T- snow, T+ albino and blue axanthic. B&W axanthic has already successfully bred to T- albino and Blue axanthic and have produced offspring.
The offspring from the pairings listed above could possibly create new morphs.

*The white sided morph was found at the end of the summer of 2016 and is in Dan Krull's care. He plans on breeding her later this year or next season.