my concinnus - mom of babies - still will not take pinkie
not even by accident
it's so odd
everybody says, the concinnus can be gotten to eat anything
her babies had no problem recognizing pinkie strips as food
she doesn't though and it makes no difference what I scent them with
she won't take trout pieces or f/t minnows either - live food only apparently
I'm getting a little irritated at her
I'd thought if I put the pinkie in with worms over night . . .
well, the worms are gone of course
she's a good eater - always hungry - and I'm trying to tell her that a rodent would be so much more satisfying
alas the rodent was still there - covered with dirt and worm slime
I'm rambling now
any more suggestions?
she's still pretty shy, so tweezer feeding won't work