Well as you all know I have 7 baby eastrn garters. I also had told you all that my mom was getting 2 of them. Well she picked 1 out today and so I will be starting a thread just on Diamond(she named he/she today). So in the next coupls days I will be getting some pictures up and also of the tail so that I can get the baby sexed please. So Diamond will still be here at my house for a while yet but I will be haVing that one and he/she will be having another added tomorrow. they will both be in a seperate tank so that that they can get adjusted before the day. Even after they leave my house I will be keeping you alll updated as much as I am possible. Diamond already really likes mom and Diamond curls up in her hand and just relaxes and sometimes just looks around. It awesome that they like each other so much already. Well I wanted to let you all know and I will have some pics up as soon as I can and maybe I will be able to get mom in the pic as well. Who knows.