I've got a marcianus last month. He supposed to be healthy, but unfortunately he wasn'e and he still isn't.
The first thing I noticed was that he had brown spots on the belly part. I red about it and I figured that it was some kind of fungus. I went to vet and he said the same thing. Snake was sprayed with some anti-fungus spray for dogs I think (my vet doesn't have experience with animals, he just helped mine) and he told to spray him every week through 3-4 weeks. I hold him in box with paper towels. He looks much better now. But this snake has also other, maby irrelevant with the fungus problems.

He doesn't want to eat at all. I tried earthworms, frozen fish, live fish and he doesn't seem to be interested. It could be because of the spraying which is really stressing and he isn't losing weight sagnifically so I think this is the smallest problem.

This snake isn't as activ as my other Thamnophis. He doesn't show any reaction when I open the box and get him out of his hidings. he doesn't run, he mostly doesn't move(i can get him on my hand in the position he was laying and he does nothing). He is also like more soflty built, he seems to be more flexible, his scales seem to be almost like in adult thamnophis (tomorrow he has "birthday" and he ends one year of living), but they are softer than in my other, younger and smaller snake.

I gave him today a mix of b1, calcium and a little bit of reptile witamins and he doesn't even protest very much, I had less problem with giving him witamins than with my leopard geckos and I got really really scared.

Have someone had similar problems with snakes? I've got about 60-70 miles to a decent vet and it is really much here in Poland.
Sorry if you doesn't understand something, English isn't my mother language so some sentences could be strangely built