Quote Originally Posted by mb90078 View Post
Another thing to try, just in case you haven't, is to feed them inside their current cage. They may be less "agitated" if you can offer the food to them while they are inside of their hide where they are comfortable and relaxed. Again, definitely not a guarantee, but worth a shot when you're trying many different options.
That's pretty much what I do unless it just isn't working. Everyone's situation and snakes are different and they can't be fed in their enclosure due to group dynamics/fighting, substrate issues, etc. That's why I like to start babies out on paper or bare liner, feeding in their own enclosure without having to move them. Once they get started, you can do whatever works.

But then again, those babies were already feeding well. It's always a hurdle to get them to take their first meal, and I always fuss and worry like the current situation. Then one day, success. After that it's usually smooth sailing and they act like they have years experience at eating.

I've had groups that flat refused eating until I did something like the container feeding thing, but with worms. Once they knew the smell/taste of worms, I could just tong feed them in their own enclosure. The main hurdle is that first bite. That first meal. After that, they become pros (at eating) overnight.