last night Chloe went totally spastic - sort of like when a cat bounces off the wall, except this time it was my normally mellow pallidulus
what freaked me out was that she also looked uncommonly large for a snake that hasn't eaten in a couple of months
a quick check turned up all the other cage inhabitants well - one of them not happy at having been bothered and going a bit pissy
another close look at Chloe showed nothing wrong with her and the largeness just pretty normal-looking
so I think it was the music
we like to turn our daughter on to some of the movie "classics" now and then, and last night in was Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, which has the most heinously dated soundtrack
that 4'x2' cage Chloe shares with two other females is right next to the TV, and she started going bonkers when that Southamerican Getaway piece was playing - it almost looked like she was being jerked around by the music