My name is Joe and this past Friday I caught what I think to be a Florida Blue Garter. I think it is a she and she is 22 inches long. I have her in a 20 gal tank with T-Rex jungle bed in it, a fake rock on the cool side for her to hide under, a big branch in the middle with a heat light over it and on the other side I have a large water bowl for her to submerge in. She has not snapped at me once, but she has become a little more jumpy. I tried feeding her gold fish by putting them in her water bowl, but she wouldn't even look at them so I tried worms. I gave her 4 worms on Sun. and she ate them all and was looking for more. On Mon. she was hovering over the worm dish again so I gave her 4 more worms and she ate all of them as well and was still looking for more. I just gave her the last 4 worms and she ate them and is still hovering over the dish looking for more. Any suggestions on feeding and anything else would be appreciate.

Thank you,