I just heard of a poll taken recently about what people are afraid of and snakes topped the list. The first thing I thought was, "How sad. Who taught them that?"

Now granted, there are many snakes that we SHOULD be wary of. I would never knowingly play with a venemous snake because I know how stupid I am as to the proper method of handling them. But would I run screaming into the next county? Probably not. I would probably just retreat to a safe distance and observe for a while.

We all love snakes here. However, we also probably all know someone, either a friend or a family member, who has a fear of snakes and we have had to deal with that. I want to hear your stories just to commiserate.

My mother has always been terrified of snakes. My dad and I were always the snake wranglers if one got into the house. I was raised in an old house surrounded by a marsh on a state wildlife refuge. Snakes in the house were bound to happen from time to time.

My mother also rehabilitated baby and wounded wildlife for eventual release. She wrote a column about her experiences in the local paper for years and years. And yes, she wrote an article on her feelings toward snakes. ( Apparently I had a pet garter as a child but I don't remember this! ) I'm thinking I need to write a follow up article on this.
