hello everyone, I am having a difficult time identifying this garter snake. A school mate of mine purchased this very cute little guy from a local pet store and was labeled "Canadian Garter snake" and "Thamnophis spp." under the common name. we were trying to key out what the exact species is however we are having a bit of trouble since our background is with different Boa constrictor spp. He is 61 cm long and weighs ~51 grams. The main problem is the dorsal stripe, or lack there of. He has two that run just lateral the spinal column. His coloring is black with dual orange/gold dorsal stripes, his belly is a cream color with black triangles on each ventral scale. His anal scale is split and I really couldn't count the sublabial/supralabial scales because of the stripping on his face but it seems that he has between 8-10 for each (I know thats little help), also his mid-body scale count is between 18-20. I have some pictures that I wanted to add to this message but they are to big and I don't know how to format/make them smaller to attach. if you want the pix email me at clown.8@gmail.com and I will send them to you so you have a better understanding on what I am saying. thanks for your time.
