Just ranting here to relieve stress, so please pardon me.
(oh and some might find this a bit unsettling, I know I did)
Today I stopped by petco cause I like looking at the cute little snakes and what I saw horrified and angered me to the point of yelling at the staff. The little ball pythons were fine, and they had the cutest little stripped corn snake I've ever seen, but when I saw the "regular" corn snakes it infuriated me. The 3 little babies, they couldn't have been a month out of the egg, were so emaciated that they had skin folds almost a quarter their body width and they were covered in mites, just crawling all over the poor little guys. When two of them started thrashing to prevent more mites from biting in I just screamed at the nearest employee about how they needed help and a demiting then stormed out.

Thanks for anyone reading this for putting up with my ranting, I just needed to get this out of my system and yelling at a petco employee more than I did wouldn't have helped anything.