'Stubbs' had (has had) a total of FOUR beautiul, robust babies, no stillborns. The first baby was waiting for me when I returned home from work approx 04:00 PM EST yesterday. The individual pic is of that first one. I left the three babies in her tank with her last night (20L) when I went to bed. This morning I fetched the 'three' out. About an hour later I saw a 'fourth' so I am assuming the last one was born this morning sometime. Also this morning was the very first time (since yesterday) that 'Stubbs' has ventured out from within the 'birthing log' to the 'lounging log', lol. They (the MaMa's) stopped feeding about 10-14 days ago though I offered food right up until last Friday. Not sure when either of them (adults) last shed. I am not quite as meticulous as most in regards to keeping records on them and such. I am sure the babies all obviously shed as I stumbled upon the first little one's shed and afterbirth trail upon arriving home. This litter is more robust then #1's. By comparison size wise, this second batch looks like litter #1 after a good meal. The overall head size is (visually) the same. Litter #2 appears 'richer' overall then #1. Not sure why that is exactly however as I previously stated 'Stubbs' appears 'seasoned' for lack of a better term. 'Proud MaMa' is a very beautiful snake, rich color and all so perhaps she's younger or maybe 'Stubbs' is a genetically better suited breeder ??? In other words if I were selling both MaMa's I suspect most would select 'Proud MaMa' over 'Stubbs'. Without further adieu ===>