Since we are all new here, this is the forum to introduce ourselves.
Hi all! So, I don't have any garters...yet! I have 11 other snakes though *lol* I thought it would be diligent of me to take a look around and...
I'm new here. I'm also a new snake owner. I've had my baby garter for about two months now. It's no more than three months old. It's name is...
Hi, my name is CC and I just (today) found a garter snake crawling in my room. I have absolutely no idea what to feed it, what environment it should...
Hi there, I got my first Garter Snake last week and she is such a great addition to my snake collection :) My collection consists of numerous...
I'm new to garters but not new to snakes. I've been keeping snakes (mainly pythons and boas, although I've had a couple of colubrids) since the...
Hi here, First, sorry if my english is bad, I'm french and not very comfortable with English... But I'll try anyway! I live in french Ontario,...
Hello! My name is Sarah E. I'm a 16 year old who happened to find a baby Garter snake in our garage. My cat was hunting something, and upon looking I...
Hi, my name is Eli and I'm a 13 year old from a small town in NH. I currently have 2.1 corn snakes and 1.0 bearded dragon. Looking at garters for my...
Hello, I'm new to this site. I was referred here from a member of "" However I am not new to snakes, I keep a few different species. I...
Here's how my story goes. It may have been last summer, or the summer before that (I don't have the greatest memory) that I captured three garter...
I seem to frequent many snake forums, so I figured I would add this to the mix. Don't have a Garter, but I do think they are great snakes, and...
Hi everyone. I'm Bill, Kat's fiance. Thought I come see where she spends most of her time.
Hey I'm from eastern Kentucky I am 17 have never fooled with garter snakes inwould like to no more about them that's why I signed up I have a fairly...
When our Speckle gave birth last month I put the babies in a Rubbermaid tub. As you can see babies are quick to learn these are pretty easy to climb...
Hello, my name is Andrew and I'm a police officer in New York City. Another cop at work was given a garter snake by a laundry mat owner who said he...
My name is Theresa and I don't have a garter snake yet! I live in Indianapolis with my 12 yo twin boys. Everyone wants to know if I have weird pets...
hey everybody figured I might as well introduce myself to you!!. I'm a keeper of many snakes(milks, greens, ringnecks, dekays, garters). Right now im...
Hi My name is Eileen and I live near St. Marys, Ontario. I live and work on a farm and have always loved snakes. I had a corn snake for a couple of...
I'm Mike, I got my PhD from Oregon State in 2007, postdoc at K-State for a year then off to work for the Bureau of Land Management as an ecologist. ...
Hi! I am the current owner of 3 snakes( spotted python, colombian boa , and normal cornsnake). After discovering wild eastern garters this summer, I...
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