General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
I'm just going to start a new thread for all of my snakes...that way I don't have to have separate threads for all of them. I'll just post here if I...
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They looked so cute together and with a little blending brush in Photoshop they are together.
Hypothesis: the scent if female garters attracts males during breeding season. Experiment : set out wood, cardboard or newspaper hides scented w...
Apparently I'm becoming a sort of collector... Wandering around a pet store in Louisiana today, and I end up walking out with a ribbon snake and a...
I am curious because I was at the archery range this Sunday 3-31-13 and when I was walking I always watch my step and sure enough there was a nice...
So I have been considering getting Suzi a friend to live with her but here are the things I have to consider... I will need another tank and...
Red sided garter courting - YouTube Please watch and see what you think. Thanks Tim
So ... I found a baby this morning. One of my florida blues looked suspicious for the last week and this morning I found one healthy baby and a few...
For full post with other finds: Field Herp Forum • View topic - Knee deep in Thamnophis atratus Looked for T.atratus atratus and "Flame"...
Well I spent five hours in town with my family yesterday and I came home to find Singapore had a baby! Sad news was it was obvious the little...
I have been enjoying my Blacknecks so much I just thought I would take a few pictures and post them. I'm thinking that Big Momma is gravid.
Wow, what a morning! Cleaned tanks and changed water dishes this morning, then went for a walk along the usual old rail line. LOTS of snakes...
Woke up this AM to a nice brood of lucies and 66% hets. Cool thing with the leucistics is a flame was bred to the original paradox leucistic female...
Got home today from work,after looking in on my snake for while i noticed it had mites... It's the first real look ive had at it as it's the first...
On Monday I woke up to one half of my pillow being extremely warm due to the sunlight shining through my window. After 5 snake-less(wild) months, I...
I was looking at the parks and wildlife website, and T.Radix and T.Sirtalis are unfortunately on the Black List. Now does this mean that I cannot own...
The other garter snake that was housed with the sick one is doing fine and very active. Alert and slithering all over creation! However I'd like to...
Have you ever had that moment when you thought something was meant to be? Well that has just happened to me. I have been pestering my local shop...
Exactly how dangerous is it to keep a garter while pregnant? I am currently 6 months pregnant, and I fund an article about the ability to contract...
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