General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
Got these babies last night from a friend.. One is looking a little erythristic, has some reddish on him.. We'll see as he grows up! They were...
For all you garter keepers out there with large collections and presumably older females, I was wondering how common it is for you to have an old...
Did a quick tin flipping helping while I went to go feed my grandpas cat. Found a grumpy toad and a cute garter which mushed all over me. Of course,...
Le Ann met up with me this weekend and i met her wonderful family...and we did a small snake trade. I have 3 cute little radix and 2 fantastically...
Lucky me, but it doesn't look promising. - I have a garter snake he is about 9-10 inches long he is a good snake he eats...
Here are my little garters, eating like champs!
Had a red-sided garter visiting the pond in my box turtle pen today. I was eating goldfish. I dont' get upset about that because my goldfish produce...
It's always good to see "Little Man" come off a fast. He ate two pinkies tonight. The first food he had taken in 6 weeks.
Hi Guys! I was just searching the web for pinkie mice, as I have finally run out. Mice Direct has not had a sale in awhile and all of the sites...
It has been roughly one year since I got Ziggy from Scott F. He has grown a lot in this past year. That was him when I got him and now he is ~50cm...
Here they are: The stripe down the back is a light green; very pretty!
Do you really do odd things with Scott? Saji
Not a great photo, but it's all I've got until I get home to see for myself. Pastel Checkered Garter, probably not pleased at coming from Texas to...
These garters have been residing here for the past few months and the ordinoides, in particular, have become firm favourites.. all are still rare...
Every reptile has its day and when it comes to snakes Thamnophis is starting to make a name. How long it will last we don't know. They are beautiful...
I've got the two stunted baby blacknecks that I've been working with living together (to give an idea on the size, they are about a year old, and...
Is anyone from the cali area going to the super show this weekend? Cant wait, hope there are some cool garters I can get my hands on......:D
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