General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
Just registered today - I have a quick question. I saw what I thought was a garter snake on my front porch, and used my broom to help boost it off...
can anyone tell??
of red-sided garters mate with each other and have normal babies?
As some of you know I bought 2 snakes for $150 a month ago. I decided to house them in the same cage because everybody says garters are fine with...
hey wich is your favorite sub species.
….is having babies as I type this. :eek: Can’t see what is going on, her head is sticking out about 5 inches from under her hide. Little wet babies...
Here's some new pics of my 2 high red concinnus.... you can actually see the lime green stripe!!!! :eek:
hey guys, I noticed something on my young parietalis...and I would like to hear your opinions about it.... Today I noticed the young ones...
got a good shot of my florida blue...
Hi guys, I had a really good day today. I went to visit our forum freinds in Wales, Chloe and Inge (CrazyHedgehog), and they were kind enough to...
red sideds i got them from a pet shop a couple days ago they were being sold as regular garters for only $20 i think the first two pics r a...
dorsal and side stripe are turning sorta yellowy but its bottom is still dark blue is it a blue morph
GOOD NEWS:)-My thamnophis sirtalis that I was previously force feeding is now taking food that I barly put in his mouth.I know that it's still force...
OK, I'd like a bit of feedback concerning the following list of scientific and common names. Anything missing or incorrect? There's another list in...
Hi guys, Thought you'd like to know that we just recieved our latest I.H.S newsletter and Alan Francis has an ad saying hes gonna be at Doncaster...
baby garter snake pictures!!!!!!!!
are i think a male and female anerythristic red sided and i do not have the space to keep them for long so contact me and well duscuss a price
T.s. pickeringii and 2 7" ones im getting from kevin (that im hoping r females) so that when i burmat ethem next year they can mate? or if i just...
These are my two best eaters, and they're my best looking babies.:) T.s.pallidulus T.s.sirtalis
well i was cleaning the garter cages today and figured i would take some pictures while i had the snakes out of there cages and in plastic totes. ...
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