Relax and kickback in the Garter Snake lounge. Got something to say that does not deal with Garter Snakes? Here’s the place to say it. General chit chat welcome!
I decided it was time to start a thread dedicated to animal and nature related videos and channels that people have found on YouTube and other...
Post some pictures of your other pets. Angel the Jack Russell Terrier No name for my Oregon Newt No name for my Brown Anole
sorry but it went quiet and i got bored so i thought i would get this going:D
I was going through my photo archives the other day and I started thinking that maybe it's about time that we had a nature photography thread. The...
Lonesome George Passes On- the Last of His Kind | The Reptile Report What a terrible loss.
Rules are as follows. All photographs are to be of wild herps in native surroundings. No pets on the lawn pictures, no zoo pictures. I will lead...
well as you all probably know there are a lot of reptile bans either in effect, in the process of approval, or that have failed and at one point in...
All those in the path of the East coast storms and the West coast problems please check-in. Hoping all are safe.;)
My sisters and I were walking in a park, and we split of the path to go into a mowed field to let our dogs off leash. We were walking pretty close to...
Hi guys! I am super excited to say that I just witnessed my natrix natrix pair locked up.... the male is very, very enthusiastic.... as soon as they...
Also since different pigments can be a different levels in the skin, results of certain colors being absent can have surprising results. In the...
:rolleyes: time for a spring-clean ... yer PM box is fit to burst :p
aktion tier - menschen für tiere e.V. A large German animal welfare society (like peta/RSPCA) would like to ban all exotic animals :mad:. Would...
so sorry greg i have been very preoccupied and completely for got your big night i know a scot would rather people forget his birthday than RABBIE...
Happy Birthday Peter! We hope you and yours will have a great day. January is the right time for longtime celebrations in a warmed living room....
Please Help Snake George Save The Cyprus Grass Snake from Extinction - Petition Posted on Cyprus Petitions
i have just finished reading one of my garter snake books, in this case it was the barrons reptile keepers guide book on garters and ribbons. it...
All the best for you and yours in the coming year ;)
:D Have a wonderful day!
From the T.radix Ranch to all the members and visitors to this wonderful forum.
I want to buy some snakes from US .because north america snakes are very popular here,and may be some other reptiles,but i don't kown how to inport...
happy holiday to all site members and REMEMBER a dog is not JUST for christmas save some for boxing day:)
well i just HAD to share this messed up dream i had last night. heres what happend..... i was sleeping and the misses woke me up to tell me...
o wow thought id get this goin...when it came to me at 11:55! you might be a herpetologist if you get girls numbers by bringing a snake to a social...
I was wondering if anyone has had contact with Sid lately. He hasn't been on the forum in awhile. I was concerned and hoped someone has talked with...
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