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  1. #1
    Smells Like Teen Spirit Invisible Snake's Avatar
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    Snake rack drawer?

    Hi I was wondering if anyone here keeps there garters in a snake rack drawer?

    If so, what are the pros and cons of keeping them in there as opposed to keeping them in a terrarium?

  2. #2
    Adult snake
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    I recently purchased a used rack system from a python breeder. I paid $80/each for three 5-shelf units with tubs and heat tape.

    better density (more snakes in less space)
    heating multiple tubs with one thermostat, one strip of heat tape
    easy access - no fiddling with lids, standing on chairs, etc
    easy to move snakes around to quarantine and such
    more housing per dollar - a 20gal. glass tank with locking screen lid retails for $70 or $80. My 5-tub rack can house 5 big females or up to 15 juveniles for the same price. (but again, I got it used on the cheap)

    poor lighting
    not escape proof (just don't put babies in them and you'll be fine)
    ventilation is not as good as a screen-top (though I like it because it helps keep the humidity up)
    a curious cat/dog/child might try to pull a tub out, thus giving the snake a way to escape
    can't really see your snakes without pulling a tub out (though my wandering does seem to look at me through the side)

    edit: forgot the best part - rather than removing the snake(s) and cleaning a tub, I can just prepare a new tub, move the snake, then clean the old tub whenever I get to it.

  3. #3
    Smells Like Teen Spirit Invisible Snake's Avatar
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    Thanks Steveo I appreciate you taking the time to answer my concerns

  4. #4
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    Steveo's reply sums up the advantages and disadvantages well.
    For me, the disadvantages of racks and RUBs outweigh the benefits. I'm not looking to fit a lot of snakes into a small footprint though, which is the reason most people use racks. I want to be able see every snake I own exploring their surroundings, which simply isn't possible in a rack system.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

  5. #5
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    Racks are for snakes that are sedentary (sit and wait predators) in nature IMO. Garters are active, intelligent, and inquisitive by nature and that's what I love about them. Stuffing them in a drawer out of sight kind of defeats my reason for keeping them.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris-uk View Post
    I want to be able see every snake I own exploring their surroundings, which simply isn't possible in a rack system.
    Exactly. I keep garters because I admire them. If I can't admire them without disturbing them, there's no point in having them.

    If ever a day comes when I am compelled to keep them in racks for practical/commercial/space purposes, or they become a chore rather than a pleasure, that is the day that I have too many. For me, that means about 25 snakes permenently plus 25-50 offsping seasonally/temporarily.

    I prefer to keep only as many as I can pay enough attention to on a daily basis in order to watch for shedding and behavioral changes. The more you have, the less attenton and appreciation each one gets.
    Last edited by ConcinusMan; 05-15-2012 at 02:38 AM.

  6. #6
    Domos Ophiusa gregmonsta's Avatar
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    I would never keep any snake in a rack set up. For the reasons already stated as well as being of the opinion that there are only plus points for the keepers. It sickens me to see snakes stuck in drawers that fall short of the minimum viv requirements. Boas and pythons with no opportunity to climb, etc.
    I have used tubs for quaranteen, etc at least match minimum viv requirements. I'm very happy to say that, as of Friday, I will have all of my snakes suitably accomodated in large vivariums.
    Keeping - 'Florida blue' sirtalis, concinnus, infernalis, parietalis, radix, marcianus and ocellatus.

  7. #7
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" BUSHSNAKE's Avatar
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    considering all the different snake species i think there are some species that are very suitable for a rack system setup and if people choose to use this allready successfull method then thats their choice

  8. #8
    Domos Ophiusa gregmonsta's Avatar
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    Quote Originally Posted by BUSHSNAKE View Post
    if people choose to use this allready successfull method then thats their choice
    It is their choice ... and it's the wrong one ... a snake that is 'suitable' for a rack system is just as suitable for a spacious viv with plentiful hides, etc. Let's not forget that rack systems were developed by and for large scale breeders to fit the maximum amout of breeders into a small space. Although not quite as severe - it is comparable to 'battery' kept livestock.
    Private hobbyists then moved on to justify using these set-ups for themselves despite ultimately being driven by the same base greed. Lets face it, most of us would fill every corner of the house with snakes if possible.
    You don't have to go back that far ... even in the 90's large scale boa breeders were giving premium space to their animals in very large facilities. Compared to the rack-trend of today you're talking about serious 'real-estate'. The snakes bred at the same rate then ... there is just more demand now. I can understand some corners being cut, but I can't condone keeping snakes in drawers at all, nevermind simply at hobby level.
    Keeping - 'Florida blue' sirtalis, concinnus, infernalis, parietalis, radix, marcianus and ocellatus.

  9. #9
    Adult snake
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    To each their own. My snakes get more surface area in a rack than they would in a glass tank. My racks were built for pythons but now house smaller snakes.

    To think that a snake "likes" to climb or interact with people is to anthropomorphize. Most of the interactions are because of the human-food and human-warmth connections. Snakes are disturbed less in a rack system because they can't see all that is going on around them. I get to spend more "hands on" time with my snakes because I don't have to fiddle with lids or stand on a chair to get into the tanks like I used to. I only have to disturb them for 15 seconds when cleaning - I just move them to a freshly prepared tub and then clean the dirty one.

    I fail to see the connection between owning a rack system and "greed". I'm not a breeder. I don't have dozens of snakes; I have 4. I live in an apartment, so my space is limited. I don't have anywhere to put a display tank. Each tub is set up just as my tanks used to be and I have better control over the heat and humidity.

  10. #10
    Smells Like Teen Spirit Invisible Snake's Avatar
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    Re: Snake rack drawer?

    I agree with Steveo 100%. Thank you Steveo for posting that! (I started feeling bad because I use a snake rack). I myself live in an apartment and have limited space and therefore don't have the luxury of putting up display vivs.

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