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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    last garter found?!

    hello new to this site found a small garter while raking my yard today nov. 5,06. I'm on long island in ny, anyway any suggestions on what to feed it? its pretty small

  2. #2
    Old and wise snake abcat1993's Avatar
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    Re: last garter found?!

    Hello welcome
    0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
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  3. #3
    Never shed
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    Re: last garter found?!

    helloytee29, I'm new here also. I found my e. garter snkae back in may'06,she'll eat feeder gold fish, at least mine does.after yours starts eating try slipping in a pinky mouse,I tried this,this pastweek end and she ate it.Mine has had a clutch of babies 14 only one lived and it got loose.maybe she'll have more in '07

  4. #4
    Old and wise snake abcat1993's Avatar
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    Re: last garter found?!

    Quote Originally Posted by jasuncle1972 View Post
    I found my e. garter snkae back in may'06
    Quote Originally Posted by ytee29 View Post
    hello new to this site found a small garter while raking my yard today nov. 5,06.
    How many people had a wild caught garter for their first garter? Not saying this is bad (I have a wc), just wondering.
    0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
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  5. #5
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Re: last garter found?!

    My First Garter Snake (which i'm holding right now) is a wild one.

    Got it like 2 months ago, she just runned across me.

  6. #6
    Mr Thamnophis ssssnakeluvr's Avatar
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    Re: last garter found?!

    My first snake was a wild caught garter.....I have had many wild caught garters over the years. Wild caught garters do real well in general, tho you will have a problem feeder here and there.

  7. #7
    Former Moderator Cazador's Avatar
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    Re: last garter found?!

    Yep. About my first 100 snakes (including garters) were wild-caught. My Mom wouldn't let me bring them in the house, so I'd carry them around in a bucket before releasing them back on our property in Missouri (where I grew up). I guess I was practicing "catch and release" before it had a name .

  8. #8
    Old and wise snake abcat1993's Avatar
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    Re: last garter found?!

    My first pet was a wild caught anole (or 4-6 of them; I was around 5 and they all died when my father entrusted me with their care). Then I got more anoles last spring, one was an injured baby which eventually died of starvation after a few months, one was a very nervous girl who I think my cleaning lady accidentally let go (removed the water bottle holding the homemade top down), and then there is the anole which I still have today which recently got scared of me but is doing fine.
    I just thought I would tell you all that.
    0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
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  9. #9
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: last garter found?!

    Newts, frogs, toads, viviparous lizards.. but no WC snakes in my past, unless you count the hundred or so that I have relocated. Of course all (minus one) Finnish reptiles and amphibians were protected species, but who's going to tell a kid that. Didn't keep them long enough to kill them and I managed to raise and release over 400 common frogs over a 4-year period, so that should sort of balance it out.

  10. #10
    Old and wise snake abcat1993's Avatar
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    Re: last garter found?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefan-A View Post
    Of course all (minus one) Finnish reptiles and amphibians were protected species,
    What is that one that isn't protected?
    0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
    1.0 T. sirtalis

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