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Thread: Mites

  1. #1
    Juvenile snake garterking's Avatar
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    With all the news I've been reading lately regarding mites, I thought I would throw this out there and get some discussion going on it.
    Those who know first hand and have had to deal with the little demons, know the damage they can do and that there are things that work better, and more efficient than others.
    What products/methods have you used or do use that best work to treat this situation when it rears it's ugly head?


  2. #2
    Former Moderator Cazador's Avatar
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    Re: Mites

    I've been very happy using Sevin dust. After two treatments for every snake and enclosure nearly two weeks apart, I've never had a reoccurance, and all of my snakes have faired well following these 1 hour treatments. As with any pesticide (including Vapona, rid-a-mite, etc.), read and follow the directions on the container for safe handling, and don't expose your snake to Seven dust for over an hour.

    I just remove the furnishings from the cage and clean them in bleach water. Then put the Sevin dust right in the cage with the snake to kill the mites in there and on the snake. After about an hour, remove the snake, and rinse it off. Then let it swim in a tub with about 1" (2.5cm) of water (~80F) to remove any additional Sevin dust from between its scales. While this is happening, remove the Sevin dust from the vivarium, and clean the vivarium with 5% bleach water. Using a spray bottle helps to distribute the bleach all over the vivarium. Let the bleach solution soak onto the floor and walls for ~10-15 minutes, then thoroughly rinse out the vivarium with clean water. Repeat the process 10 days to 2 weeks later.

    I've had great results this way and will use it again if the situation ever calls for it, but I'm also eager to hear how others have applied other treatments and if they would use the same method again. Good topic,

  3. #3
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Re: Mites

    I have had mites but only with one of my corns and she was on the lose for 5 months!?... The Garters seem to be clean of them? Even my WC animals?! I just picked off everyone I seen on her and changed the newspaper ever 3 days! That was it!
    Ryan-Valley Pets
    ~Valley Pets~
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  4. #4
    Former Moderator Cazador's Avatar
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    Re: Mites

    That's amazing! Could they have been ticks, instead?

    How long have they been free of these parasites?

  5. #5
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Re: Mites

    They were for sure mites! Small, fast and a pain... I've yet to see them on my garters! Changing the paper more the usual seems to do the trick for me and killing any that I see helps to! lol Keeping them clean and well cared for seems to do the trick..
    Ryan-Valley Pets
    ~Valley Pets~
    -Small Animal, Bird, Fish and Reptile specialist with PIJAC Canada! PLUS Feeder mice, rats, rabbits and pigeons.
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  6. #6
    Juvenile snake ClosedCasket88's Avatar
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    Re: Mites

    i just got a nice 5 ft everglades rat snake last week that was infested with mites , spreaded to most of my collection . First , I go nuts when i get mites , im very anal bout them. over on the east coast we get this aresol can stuff called Prevent-a-mite ,you take your snakes and water bowl out and spray the hell outa everything , not too much though, air it out very good . give it atleast acouple hours b4 u put your snake back in. this is better than any mite solution out there. while your snakes outa its enclosure wether your cleaning with mite stuff or just any type of cleaner you soak him in warm water in a large deli cup or a sweater box for teh time y our cleaning evrything. that will kill just about evry mite on his body pretty good, you just have to make sure they submerge there head for a good enough time for anything in that area (wich is most likely were mites will occur ) .i make my own cleaner solution with lotsa stuff i have from work n around the house w alil bit of bleach depending on what im cleaning . i usualy clean all my substrate out and change it. clean the hell outa the tank , and evrything else, all my corkbark and artificial plants i run under scalding hot water in my tub whily im doing everything else for a good 10 mins . when im done i get a thing of boiling water and run it over my bark , wood , sticks and such thats they can hide in/lay eggs in and such , just make sure your artificial plants or anything plastic is hard plastic, some stuf will slighty warp , possibly melt. but ive never had a problem . i always try n use plastic water bowls, nothing porus that they can leave eggs or hide in , id ont like to clean my water bowls with the cleaners, bleach or mite spray becuase it will without adoubt kill your snake . i just give em a soak under scalding running water for a few minutes .
    types of degeraser cleaners mixed with water and bleach and a lil mr clean will kill almost anything instantly .
    just make sure your enclosure is cleaned well and sanatized with something, give all your tank accsersories a soak under extremely hot water, and give your snake a good soak for a while and thats always solved my problems , even with extreme infestations from nasty imports that i get from my ****ty local pet shop . Thats another thing, becareful what petshops u go to , some are rediculous. im sure you all know

  7. #7
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" CrazyHedgehog's Avatar
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    Re: Mites

    Have just replied about this on another post, but your right the title is better for people searching with problems...

    Years ago I used to use a chunk of vapona in a stocking hung in the cage, but Vapona is no longer available and it apparently was not that good for the snakes either!!

    I bought some substrate from a less than reputable petshop, it was loose and bought by weight....soon after I had mites....

    This time I used.."Bye Bye Mites" from Lucky reptile..(look for it on the internet or your local pet shop..
    I bleached (5% solution) the tanks and plastic/ceramic furniture
    Sprayed the bye bye mites on all wood furniture, ...
    Brand new substrate, (from a sealed bag...)
    Washed the snakes in a warm bath, dried with thick paper towel..
    And then sprayed the whole snake with the bye bye mite...

    Thats the beauty of bye bye mite, it is safe to use direct onto reptiles, I just use a few squirts and then let the snake slide through my hands a few times to ensure a good coverage...

    All gone, no trace! Didn't even need to do it again in a few weeks because it cleared them all in one go..

    Yes I would defenately use this again...

    I have also heard people talk about using frontline..(cat and dog flea stuff) with good results, however I have not used this myself...

  8. #8
    Old and wise snake KITKAT's Avatar
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    Re: Mites

    There is something to be said for BAKING your substrate in a tray in the oven for half an hour before cooling it and using it.

    Just food for thought...
    "Acts of kindness should never be random."

  9. #9
    "Fourth shed, A Success" Gijs & Sabine's Avatar
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    Re: Mites

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyHedgehog View Post
    I have also heard people talk about using frontline..(cat and dog flea stuff) with good results, however I have not used this myself...
    A few years ago somebody gave us a ratsnake. He was covered with mite all over . We used frontline and it worked perfectly, after a few days he was clean!

    Here in Holland we have a guy who is selling mites (Dutchy's) that hunt down the mites in your terrarium ( I don''t know how these are called in english)
    I have never used this, but a friend of us have used it on his insect terrariums ( beetles, spiders) and with great results. The good thing is you don't have to use any chemicals, the Dutchy's are a natural thing. And when all the mites are eaten the Dutchy's die after 6 weeks.
    Here is a link, but it's a Dutch site
    Refona - Respect For Nature


  10. #10
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" CrazyHedgehog's Avatar
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    Re: Mites

    Mites that get the mites... what an excellent idea...I have a friend who keeps hissing cockroaches...they caught mites, but of course she could not use any of the meds as they killed the roaches too... will pass this info on..
    Last edited by CrazyHedgehog; 01-21-2007 at 02:11 PM. Reason: spelling

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