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  1. #1
    Thamtographer katach's Avatar
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    Random Snake News

    I was thinking about all the stuff that happens here my house with our snakes. I always think that would be fun to share, but I don't think it needs a whole thread just for that... Maybe this could be a place to share those random happenings.
    * Mods, feel free to do with this as you need to.*
    I'll start.

    We moved our tank to the living room today. They are quite happy, and the temps seem to be a little more consistent now that they are not next to a window.
    2.2 T.s.pickeringii, 0.4.7 T.ordinoides 1.1 T.marcianus 1.1 T. radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis 1.2 Pseudacris regilla

  2. #2
    Juvenile snake angrygamer's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    Hey, do any of you that rent have issues with snakes and your landlords?

  3. #3
    Thamtographer katach's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    Mine doesn't know.
    2.2 T.s.pickeringii, 0.4.7 T.ordinoides 1.1 T.marcianus 1.1 T. radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis 1.2 Pseudacris regilla

  4. #4
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    Neither does mine. Not about the cat which has been here for 6 years, the snakes or the fish.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Country: England

    Re: Random Snake News

    Good idea for a thread Kat i normally don't bother with the incidents in my day to day interactions with the snakes as it often means breaking someones ongoing posts[ so this is perfect] ....about two weeks ago i left a sliding door on the young checkered's viv slightly open, after a head count there seemed to be one missing, i have only done this once in recent years it was about twelve months ago with a Florida blue which was soon rounded up,... however a number of years ago i went through a series of escapes mainly with young snakes and in every case they made their way down to the bedroom floor [from the loft] ...there to leap out and attack my least that what she claims, no matter how hard i looked on each occasion they would wait and then show themselves to my wife, we all know that garters have a high intelligence level but does that include a perverse sense of humor,for those that don't know, my wife has a strong dislike for snakes and that's describing it lightly,....anyway i am sure by now you are all ahead of me with this story, while pottering about in the loft several days ago a piercing scream rang through the house [and the entire neighborhood i would think] with a sinking heart i knew straight away just what the cause was ....while sitting on the toilet[not a pretty picture] the little checkered sauntered between my wife's feet,<br>you might say things have been a little strained since then, i think the only thing that has kept her from throwing me out is my amazing resemblance to George clooney [did i ever mention that]
    ​I'm not actually a gynecologist...but i'll take a look.

  6. #6
    Juvenile snake angrygamer's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    Quote Originally Posted by chris-uk View Post
    Neither does mine. Not about the cat which has been here for 6 years, the snakes or the fish.
    Six years? Wow. Sorry this turned out long, a lot of drivel.

    Well, he is going to find out sooner or later, I live in a really small complex with only about 11 or 12 units. He comes in my apartment at least twice a year to turn the heat on/ a wall gravity heater. He also comes in once a year to inspect the smoke alarm and change the battery.

    I had Glyph in the 10 gallon last Fall, but I had him off to the side of the apartment and with the makeshift lid I built for that tank you'd have to get up sort of close to tell what it was.

    When I cleaned the 30 gallon I bought in December with that muriatic acid, I had to get access to the water spigot which is in a maintenance closet. He at least thinks I have fish, and didn't say anything about that. The lease says, "no pets without written consent" but he has said in passing conversation he pretty much doesn't want pets whatsoever...but I'll take the written interpretation first.

    I kind of screwed this up, but I honestly was under the impression that even if a landlord said "no pets" that small animals that were caged didn't fall under this provision...partly because growing up we moved a lot, my mom had birds while my brother kept gerbils, and we never had any problems with them, one time even having a run-in of sorts with a landlord, only to find out that, "eh, they are just birds". Also to blame is the internet, (heh, well not really) but I read a few accounts, one in particular about how this one guy who has had birds for 30 years and every apartment he has moved into, even the ones with a "no pets" clause, and he never had a problem, he said he was just honest with the landlord.

    The problem I ran into though, which worries me is that while I was cleaning the fish tank outside my apartment, my neighbors were looking on. Sometime earlier, a week or so maybe I found out that this neighbor wanted birds, but he said "no" because he was concerned about diseases birds carry. So the landlord was standing there while I was cleaning it and she was asking, "so what are you going to do with that?" I looked at my landlord, and he said, "just tell her you are selling it."

    We haven't talked about it since, so I don't know WTF.

    I have a good working relationship with my landlord, and I have a few other ways around this, so we'll see.

    I just wanted to hear others' experiences with this.

  7. #7
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Light of Dae's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    I'd personally just be straight honest with your landlord n explain that Glyph is healthy, carries no diseases, and doesn't make any stains on the carpet, and when Glyph sheds it's in one piece n also doesn't make a mess, as well there is no stink from your snake. lol Explain that it's cleaner then having fish and less stinky and no risk of water damage etc. He is going to find out about your snake at some point, and its better that he has a heads up about it rather then find out about it on his own n freak out.
    3.2 T.Marcianus, 1.2 T.Sirtalis, 1.0 Zacapu, 1.0 T.Radix
    0.1 Banana Cali King Snake
    0.1 BoxerXRottie Mutt

  8. #8
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    The cat we always take out of the house and hide his bowl and things when the letting agents come to do their annual inspection. The first few years they actually looked round the house, the last 3 inspections the agent hasn't got out of the hallway. And the last time she could see the fish from where she was stood.
    I think a lot of reasonable people will turn a blind eye and not ask too many questions if you aren't obviously taking the mickey. Perhaps if you subtly concealed the tank no questions would be asked. It's a judgement call on how well you know your landlord.
    We plan to move this year, so starting with a fresh landlord will need to be more careful and probably come clean about the animals.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

  9. #9
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Light of Dae's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    I couldn't imagine....
    1. Living in a city.
    2. Living in an apartment.
    3. Living anywhere without pets.
    lol I couldn't do it anymore... I mean I did it when I was 14-16years old living on my own... but not since then have I lived in town. I love the country. And my landlord is awesome, He comes by once a month to collect rent n say hi. But he doesn't check the house or anything he don't care, He's seen our pets. He always lets us know before coming for rent etc. We are thinking about asking him if we can rent to own...
    3.2 T.Marcianus, 1.2 T.Sirtalis, 1.0 Zacapu, 1.0 T.Radix
    0.1 Banana Cali King Snake
    0.1 BoxerXRottie Mutt

  10. #10
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Selkielass's Avatar
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    Re: Random Snake News

    It's a warm, rainy day Here in Metro-Detroit and Abby, my Eastern Garter snake woke up 'frisky'.
    Theres no doubt she's looking to attract a male. She shed three days ago and now she's transversing every square inch of her tank, dragging her tail heavily and rubbing her head along every branch and rock in a manner simalar to a cat scent marking her territory with her cheek glands.
    Do garters even have cheek glands? Abby is sure acting like she's scent marking with her nose and labials.
    She hasn't been Brumated, but our hose is distinctly cooler in the winter time and I have shortened their light cycle somewhat.
    Too bad I don't have a male Eastern to pair her with- I'm afraid she is going to bloody her nose with all her rubbing, and I wouldn't mind returning a batch of babies to the Bee-yard where I caught her.

    No sign of friskiness among the Butlers, but then I believe any males I have are still way too small. (Not sure I managed to keep a male even, and I've never managed to catch a wild male.) The basement also holds a steady, if cooler temperature than the living room.

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