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  1. #1
    Thamnophis inspectus Zephyr's Avatar
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    4 days worth of experiences...

    Well, I got grounded on Wednesday for not charging my cell phone, so I haven't been on in a few days. x.x Anyways, I have a few interesting stories.
    Om Wednesday morning, around 8 o'clock, I decided to go snake hunting. So I went to the usual spot and pulled out a very large, and gravid eastern and let her go. At 8 in the morning, the musk smell was HORRIBLE. So I looked around for a nice patch of grass to wipe my hands. As I was wiping, I looked down and took a double snake. There, right beneath my hands was a gravid butler's! My second piece of proof for the DNR! I grabbed her and immediately called my mother, noticing I forgot my camera. So I stood there for 10 minutes relaying the story... When I noticed my phone was dead. So, at 8:30 in the morning I headed over to my friend Gigi's house with snake in hand. I got there and knocked on her door. *She has a HUGE house.* The next thing I hear is her mother saying "Kyle... Is that you?" and of course it was. XD So she reluctantly snapped a few photos for the DNR for me with her camera. *This whole time I had forgotten to call my mother. x.x* So after waking Gigi and putting the snake into a bag, I had a whole day of mulberry picking, snake hunting, and worm collecting. Eventually when I decided to go home, I went to grab the bag to take the butler's with me. I've decided to keep her until she has her babies, then keep a maximum of 1/3 of the litter, then release her and the rest. So anyways, I went to pick up the bag... And I saw a tail slip into Gigi's brother's hockey gear. 10 minutes later she was safe and sound. XD
    So later that night we went to my grandpa's house, and I hoped my dad would venture with me into the woods. My grandpa and his girlfriend persuaded my father to let me go alone, which was taboo and not to be told to my mother. So into the forest during a light drizzle I went. The whole 2-mile path I saw not a snake OR any other herptile, the whole time in my head begging God to let me see ONE. And then I saw him... Or should I say them. There were two boys, both about my age, throwing something back and forth. I got a little closer and saw it was a TOAD. I immediately told them to drop it. Which they did. I ran over to the poor thing, picked him up and headed back home. Then the storm came. At first I thought the canopy would block the rain, but the leaves magnified the size of the drops. I'm soaking wet, carrying the poor little toad in my hands, lightning flashing and everything. So next thing; I missed the road off the trail. So I overshot the exit to the forest by a half mile and had to back track; luckily, I had company. The forest floor literally came alive with tons of toads; I had to try not to step on them while I tried to walk back. Finally, I said to hell with this and found a gap in the fence between the people's houses and the forest. Unfortunately, not only was this the only gap but also was at the top of a 15 foot cliff. So I struggled to climb down it one handed, keeping the poor toad in the other hand. Finally, when I reached my grandpa's house, he opened the door and said. "What the f*^% happened to you?" So, in the end, we all set the story straight so my mother wouldn't know I went alone, and I got to keep the toad. I named him Binky. :P
    So the next day, my mother hesistantly agreed to let me keep him *She thinks I have "enough." :P* she decided to cook sauerkraut and kielbasa. She also forgot to close the back door... And next thing you know the house was full of flies. I grabbed the swatter and carefully maneuvered flies between the cracks of the tip, then grabbed them with tweezers and fed them to our new fly disposal system; Binky. Next thing, my mother left a candy wrapper on the ground and oddly, ants came! And so did Binky. Apparently, the little guy is a Godsend for us. And that's my story. :P
    0.1 Storeria dekayi
    Hoping to get some T. s. sirtalis High-Reds next summer!

  2. #2
    Moderator adamanteus's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    That's quite some adventure, Kyle!

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post
    And that's my story. :P
    And it's a nice one.

  4. #4
    The Leader of the Eastern Gang anji1971's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    Cool story!
    I love toads, they really are the best thing for pesky unwanted insect visitors!

    BTW, you got lucky with that storm. We've been having some doozies lately. Not good weather to be out in, Kyle!

  5. #5
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    I loved reading your story Kyle!! What an adventure. Now go charge your phone!!!!!
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  6. #6
    "Second shed In Progress"
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    Great story. You certanily had a good day. Hows the Butler garter.

  7. #7
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Snake lover 3-25's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    lol i would freek if i got lost in the woods after dark during a storm!!! glad you saved that toad though!!!!
    S h a n l e y
    1.3 eastern garters
    1 midland painted turtle
    1 bernese mountain dog
    1 half siamese cat

  8. #8
    The Golden Snake crzy_kevo's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    man i wish i had that kind of luck finding snakes i can;t seem to find anything no matter how many rocks and large pieces of wood i turn over i guess finding george was a ton of luck

  9. #9
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Loren's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    Quote Originally Posted by Snake lover 3-25 View Post
    lol i would freak if i got lost in the woods
    I finally got around to pruning my rose garden yesterday (Its like 10' x 15' ),it was so overgrown that I actually thought I was lost in there at one point!

  10. #10
    Mr Thamnophis ssssnakeluvr's Avatar
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    Re: 4 days worth of experiences...

    sounds like an adventure!!!!! waiting for babies....... did you get my pm????

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