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  1. #1
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Why did you choose it?

    Other then the right bedding for you snakes why did you choose the other items that you put in there tank? Was there things that you have noticed that didnt work or that you wish you could put in there cause of looks but can't? What kinds of things that you had in there and took out cause your snake didnt like it. I would like to here your answers . Thank you
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  2. #2
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    I have noticed that with Pheobe's babies that they liked this one piece of bark that I use to have in Pheobes tank . The reason why it isnt in there now is cause when I switched around thing I swap that out for other things. The babies like to crawl between the parts poped up and just relax there. I have also noticed that out of all the hides that I have stuck in Pheobes tank for hides weither they were home made or store bought she seems to like the caprisun box that my hubby or I had cut to fit the tank is liked the best. I dont know why but hey it works causee we are always getting those and now there is a reason to keep them.
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  3. #3
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    I originally got my bedding (ReptiBark) because it looked natural. Ended up using it, because of the big chunks, easy cleaning, less risk of ingestion, etc.

    I have hides because I need hides... nothing special there.

    I got leaves because it's a sorta semi-hide and allows them to feel more comfortable and conealed and secure, while still moving around. Changed to a different leaves because I wanted it to go higher so the could climb them.

    Water bowl... cause it's needed. Again. Bug I got the one I did cause if looks natural and rocky.

    I've never taken anything but the leaves out. That as only cause I waited climbing.

  4. #4
    Subadult snake Kantar's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    I use repti bark because it looks natural and soaks up moisture very well, soft aspen for inside the hides for a good bedding and a comfortable place to sleep.

    Natural looking rock, cocoanut, hut hides

    Brown Reptile vines because they look natural and snakes love to climb

    Live Bamboo because they make a good alternative 'cool' spot to get away from the heat and they look pretty

    Fake leaves because its natural looking and makes great cover so the snakes can get from one side to the other without feeling threatened

    Dome heating lamps because I personally just don't like under tank heaters

    One thing I took out was a birds nest, but that depends on the snake.. Frosty and Serpent (pictured in avatar) didn't use the birds nest, serpent just sat on top of it to get closer to the lamp. Had it wired to the top corner of the enclosure. But when I put it in Blizzards tank he uses it to hide and sleep in.

    I made a cardboard thingie that makes a good hide, climbing area, I just taped it to the side of the tank, the garters never used it but my corn snake loved it
    But then the corn snake managed to peel it away from the glass and get stuck to the 2 sided tape, took a long time of carefully peeling her away from the tape, she is named Sticks. I don't use cardboard anymore except the shelves I made for hanging inside the enclosures

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    Dog food bowls for water because they are cheap and double as a hide.

  6. #6
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Didymus20X6's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    Flower pots - because they were relatively cheap, and the material is somewhat "natural" (well, as natural as clay can be after it has been shaped and kilned - it is still reminiscent of stone). When coupled with coconut fiber, they look like little thatch-roof cottages. Which can be a disadvantage: Burninators are naturally attracted to thatch-roof cottages.

    Plastic leaves - cheap and aesthetically pleasing. Plus, they don't die like real leaves do. And they provide "cover" for the snakes to hide under/behind and climb on. I have three types: Ivy leaves, ferns, and cattails.

    Branches - give the snakes something to climb on. The ones in there now are a hardwood from a tree I cut down for someone a while back.

    Bamboo - again, cheap. I found some in a trash pile someone was tossing out. Make great "tunnels" for the snakes to hide in. Plus, if I want to transplant a particularly skittish snake, all I have to do is coax her into the bamboo, then pick it up and move it where she needs to go.

    Hard plastic tree - it was on sale at Wal-Mart, and it gives the snakes something to climb up on.

    Bricks - when broken up, look like natural rocks. Cheap, too. Gives the snakes something to rub against when shedding.

    Paving block - in the water enclosure, gives the snakes something to rest on when they get done taking a swim. I've drilled holes and mounted ivy leaves for them to climb on, if they so desire. I also put a flower pot in there for them to hide in, if they so desire (and they often do).

    All in all, with my enclosures, I try to simulate a natural environment as much as possible.
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.

  7. #7
    Adult snake Mrs N1ntndo's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    Quote Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
    Dog food bowls for water because they are cheap and double as a hide.

    I just wanted to say that I never thought about that before and I love that idea. not only is it easy to clean but ans a doubling item that is a great idea. Im thinking about doing that when I move my babies to a bigger tank and regular bedding. Thanks for the fantastic idea infernalis.
    I wanted to Thank you Steve for your help with the heating pad.

    I have 4 Easterns(mine: Furbie and Whiplash; moms: Diamond and Silky) all are 5 and half months old. So much fun gaters are.

  8. #8
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    I use reptibark and the coco fiber right now because it keeps the smell down better when wet. (My boys like to swim thru their water bowl) I also have a box to a MP4 player that our 2 radix seem to love. Makes it easy to vacate them when necesary, we just pick up the box!

    When we get cooler weather and my guys don't feel like swimming so much, I'll go back to the shredded aspen.
    Le Ann

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  9. #9
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    Quote Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
    Dog food bowls for water because they are cheap and double as a hide.
    Wow, cool!

  10. #10
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you choose it?

    The problem with those (for me) is they don't look natural... I like my cages natural looking...

    Otherwise it IS cool...

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