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  1. #1
    Juvenile snake ClosedCasket88's Avatar
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    upper darby, PA (USA)
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    Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    i currently live right outside of philadelphia,PA
    this pring im gonna be looking for new herpin spots localy and far away .
    if anyone lives in NJ, MD, DE , VA,WV, NC or anywere round this area and you have experiance in your area and are known for good trips in the past and dedicate lotsa time for studying these animals and if you share the same interest and facination as i do for naure and its wonderful creatures. then please contact me
    this is serious too , im planning on making many trips this upcoming year .
    i record all information in a book , species, size, were and whut i caught him near , if he was fat/skinny , wounds?,if hes healthy healthy, temper,whut kinda possible prey weas found in same location .etc. i do allthis for personal use n to track evrything i catch, i usualy try n keep one or two things outa a trip n take photos of evrything .
    if anyones interested contact me , and if youd like i can show people around my way(southeastern pennsylvania) and i can do MDand south NJ trips too as for i know alota places there plentyful with reptiles n lotsa good fishing as well .
    - Ryan

  2. #2
    Brother Snake GarterGuy's Avatar
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    Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    Hey Ryan.....that sounds great! I'm also going to be doing a lot of field herping this spring and summer as well. I'm already doing trips with my local reptile club and since I'm being "contracted" by a publisher friend of mine to photograph all the snakes in PA for his book....I'll be doing a lot of local stuff as well. Also hoping to hit Manitoba this spring for the big gartersnake emergence in Narcisse. We'll have to exchange contact info. at the show this weekend.

  3. #3
    Juvenile snake ClosedCasket88's Avatar
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    Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    have u ever seen the movie kingpin?

    do u have one hand ?

  4. #4
    Brother Snake GarterGuy's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Question Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone? and....let me, they're still both there.

  5. #5
    Old and wise snake abcat1993's Avatar
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    Question Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by ClosedCasket88 View Post
    have u ever seen the movie kingpin?

    do u have one hand ?
    Okay? Random...
    0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
    1.0 T. sirtalis

  6. #6
    Juvenile snake ClosedCasket88's Avatar
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    Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    well , kingpin ws a bowling movie , based in lancaster
    roy munson , a main character, had one hand
    it was simply a joke
    haha get it
    no hard feelings garter guy , lol , just trying to bring some luaghter to the forum .
    and yes this weekend well exchange information . im trying to hit up the appalachians this spring/summer for some rattlers n copperheads maybee . i need to dig up some info first n talk to some people about were to go .
    till then , take care . n remember its always good to have a sense or humor folks , never take me seriously with questions like that , lol
    rock on guys

  7. #7
    Brother Snake GarterGuy's Avatar
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    Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    LOL...hey, no that's cool. I kind of forgot about that movie, but yeh, know what you're talking about. Actually I know a coulpe really good spots for copperheads and timbers. One spot this past Sept. we saw tons of nice timbers....where it got to the point that as we walked along, we just would say "Oh look another timber" and walk on by it! Also see copperheads there too, but not in such large numbers (but a buddy of mine went there once and found tons of them...think it depends on the time of year.....coppers in the spring and timbers in the fall). There's a spot that's supposed to be loaded with coppers near Hamburg too, but I've only ever seen timbers there...again though, I think it just wasn't the "season" for them at the time.

  8. #8
    Old and wise snake abcat1993's Avatar
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    Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    I think that I saw a juvenile timber in southwestern Illinois while hunting. I looked it up and there was the timber rattler and if I remember correctly the diamondback watersnake.
    0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
    1.0 T. sirtalis

  9. #9
    Juvenile snake ClosedCasket88's Avatar
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    Re: Field Herpin trips ....anyone?

    well hey garter guy
    looks like you got some tour guiding to do this spring and next fall .
    if you would like i have good spots in maryland for good rat/corn snake,garter, watersnake, kingsnake and milksnakes. im lookin to venture out there once again this year as well as some other spots in new jersey .
    anyways , well talk at the show saturday
    rock on guys

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