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  1. #71
    Subadult snake k2l3d4's Avatar
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    Re: The task commences!!!

    Ok.... now I would like to place my order.......

  2. #72
    Domos Ophiusa gregmonsta's Avatar
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    Country: Scotland

    Re: The task commences!!!

    Send me a stamped addressed human sized box with seat, ventilation and minibar
    Keeping - 'Florida blue' sirtalis, concinnus, infernalis, parietalis, radix, marcianus and ocellatus.

  3. #73
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: The task commences!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gregmonsta View Post
    Send me a stamped addressed human sized box with seat, ventilation and minibar
    If necessary, leave out the seat and the ventilation.

  4. #74
    Domos Ophiusa gregmonsta's Avatar
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    Country: Scotland

    Re: The task commences!!!

    Too true make those fumes last
    Keeping - 'Florida blue' sirtalis, concinnus, infernalis, parietalis, radix, marcianus and ocellatus.

  5. #75
    Domos Ophiusa gregmonsta's Avatar
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    Country: Scotland

    Re: The task commences!!!

    Here I am bumping this old thread ... Well, plans are afoot. I'm considering an order with these guys when the next holiday pay comes my way - Pro-cages Plastic reptiles cages PVC RD 12mm - Home ... My homemade effort has done well but I'm starting to see some warping and general deterioration. The plan is to have a 'main' stack of large plastic enclosures and to rebuild/salvage a set of 4 smaller vivs from the old set (by taking the top two vivs and adding a divider). This is still a couple of months away ... But you know I'm sucker for planning.
    Keeping - 'Florida blue' sirtalis, concinnus, infernalis, parietalis, radix, marcianus and ocellatus.

  6. #76
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: The task commences!!!

    They look good. Looking forward to seeing them in your flat.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  7. #77
    Domos Ophiusa gregmonsta's Avatar
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    Country: Scotland

    Re: The task commences!!!

    It'l be closer to April when I'll put in my order for those. I'll be getting 4 of these - PC05 I've been in discussion with the owner, who is very helpful, and he's helping me make the right choice for size of heatpanel. He's actually ordered some in to do some testing on static tanks. Great customer service so far.

    My old stack will be facing an overhaul. I'll be keeping the top two vivs, stripping them, re-sealing them and then putting in a dividing wall. This will give me four 2' vivs to work with for smaller snakes/moving snakes around at breeding time.
    The rest of the old stack will be re-organised and I should get a nice 4' viv out of it to give to my singer whose ratsnake needs and upgrade.

    I'll see how things go, I can see myself ordering more vivs from pro-cages in the future if they match my expectations.

    On another note .... already bought: 6m plastic ivy, black silicone, lots of screws and fittings, a new saw and a new set of drill bits .... be prepared!!!
    Keeping - 'Florida blue' sirtalis, concinnus, infernalis, parietalis, radix, marcianus and ocellatus.

  8. #78
    Domos Ophiusa gregmonsta's Avatar
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    Country: Scotland

    Re: The task commences!!!

    Plans changing once again ... I've spent the last three days digging every old enclosure I could find from the attic.
    I currently have - 2 x 2' glass vivs, 1 x 3' glass viv and a 50L plastic tub ready to receive some of John's snakes. Being a horder has had positive results here as I have enough heatmats and furnishings for all of these (I even have an extra enclosure) and have only needed to order 1 extra thermostat. I'm taking on 7 adults: 2.2 T.m.marcianus and 1.2 T.s.sirtalis (Florida blue). I am satisfied that I can provide adequate accomodation for them until I order the new enclosures and set them up in April. These guys are set to stay for the foreseeable future.

    I have other headaches to deal with now though. I have an order with Sjoerd for 7 new additions in September. My collection is about to sky-rocket this year by twice what I thought.
    My collection is currently set to reach the following total:
    • 2.2 T.m.marcianus
    • 2.2 T.s.sirtalis (Florida blue)
    • 2.2 T.r.radix
    • 2.2 T.s.parietalis
    • 1.1 T.s.infernalis
    • 1.1 T.s.concinnus (potential for 2.2)
    • 0.1 T.p.orarius
    • 1.0 T.a.atratus
    • 1.1 E.o.rossalleni
    I'm looking at running a minimum of 10 x 4' enclosures. I will be ordering 5 of the plastic enclosures and am now looking at turning my existing 4 viv refurb into an expansion project. I think it is possible to divide this into 5 enclosures by the end of April. Penelope (my E.o.rossalleni female) will face a reduction in the height of enclosure she has been accustomed to. Fortunately this won't be an issue as she doesn't really use the height I've so far provided.
    I guess the last thing to plan for will be the replacing of the newly created wooden vivs with plastic equivalents later in the year and then converting the wooden set into smaller groups of 2' vivs for 2013.
    Keeping - 'Florida blue' sirtalis, concinnus, infernalis, parietalis, radix, marcianus and ocellatus.

  9. #79
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: The task commences!!!

    Glad to know you managed to find what you needed in the attic. I'm probably going to be shopping soon to setup a second new viv - one for each of John's radix. I have one sat on the livingroom floor, but the second will depend whether John has a suitably sized tank I can borrow for the second radix.

    My plan is to use an Ikea wardrobe shell as racking for our ExoTerras when we move house in a few months, but until then it's a matter of fitting on existing surfaces.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

  10. #80
    T.s. affectionado EasternGirl's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: The task commences!!!

    Sounds like quite the project you have ahead of you, Greg...and quite a collection of snakes you are looking at as well. I give members that have many snakes a lot of credit...It gets challenging sometimes just caring for the four that I have now...and I will be getting two more in the spring. I think six will have to be my limit for a while. What you and Chris are doing for John is wonderful. Your viv project sounds exciting!
    3.3 T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 1.2 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis
    Izzy, Seeley, Ziggy, Perseus, Peanut, Snapper, Hermes, Sadie, Osiris, Seraphina, Little Joe

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