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  1. #61
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Can't believe I've added four "family members" since this thread started and lost two Need to change my siggy too I guess

    Frick & Frack... hybrid "mutt" brothers from kyle.. hubby started calling them Frick & Frack and it stuck. I love it! I often call Frick "smudge" though, because instead of a full block up by his neck he has a tiny bit of a black block and then a smudge. It's the only way I can tell the two apart!

    Ella... T.e.elegans... Gertie named her and it suits her well

    Chance... ok, this is going to be long, sorry... Chance is a border collie/maybe pom/maybe long haired chi mix that we got from the pound in '98 on the day he was to be put to sleep.. hence the name. He's an awesome dog, gets along with anything and everything and all of our Danes were raised with him, including Tink. For whatever reason, Tink decided that she needed to take him out of this world and nearly succeeded. I still can't figure out why a female dog would go after a neutered male dog that she'd been raised with. We placed Chance with my parents who had always threatened to steal him anyway. It was a nearly perfect solution. Chance spent his days hanging out with my retired father, we still got to see him, and were able to keep Tink. Tink became more and more aggressive over time, soon after targeting our cat(again that she had been raised with) and then last summer she went after a person. My dad passed away in June and my mom has been trying to take care of Chance and I thought things were going ok until about a month ago when my mom said she just couldn't handle his care. He was really matted, had fleas, and wasn't eating well... and at nearly 12 years old just deserved so much more than that... It was a tough decision, but we finally decided to bring Chance home, knowing it was likely a choice between him and Tink and that placing Tink was not an option. Tink spent a weekend in full stalking mode, drooling and shaking because she knew Chance was here, but couldn't get to him. We placed Chance in his crate and let her come smell him and she immediately tried to attack him through the crate I took her in and had her put to sleep Monday. It was a month and a day after losing Louie and I'm still really torn up about all of it, but know we made the right decision. For the first time in years it's peaceful here... and we all deserve that... not only Chance. Sigh... off to change my siggy... have been putting it off...

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  2. #62
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Oh, Ja'Tam... I'm so very sorry. I really think, from my heart, you did everthing you could - giving all a chance - and doing the best you could for all, as you could, under all circumstances. Hard, hard decisions. But I feel it was a good normal progression and you put much more thought into each and every move than the normal pet 'rent would.

    Bless you. Try not to cry or feel bad. You did great.

    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
    3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
    3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
    1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello

  3. #63
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Thanks for understanding Gertie.... Tink was four and a half and we had decided that we would just continue to manage her here. She was an absolute love to me, hubby & the kids... totally wiggly, kissy, yep... just a love... but she was also a huge liability and a huge burden. No one else could watch her, couldn't take her out, couldn't board her... then the thing with Chance and my mom came about and it was the only decision that could be made. Even before needing to take Chance back I had talked to my vet about her, talked to dane breeder friends, and talked to a wonderful great dane rescue person who has been in the breed for decades and they all suggested putting her down...she was truly one of the few who just wasn't right from day one. It still sucks, tho

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  4. #64
    In Hog Heaven
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    It may suck - it does - but you didn't cave in in the beginning. You hung in there doing all you could from get-go, working with a not ideal situation, doing the best you could for all invloved.

    And when it came to a hard decision, you looked at all options and went the way best for the most.

    My opinion is you went way out there and perfomed as many wouldn't and I would hope I would. You did the best for all involved, to the best of your ability. Not easy at all, but I think very equatible and the best for the most.

    Love you, kiddo. What you did wasn't easy, but to me it was the best of a bad situation.
    2.0 NY Eastern Garters; Peepers, Jeepers
    3.1 Western Hoggies; Kenabec, Niizh, Kokopelli, Anasazi
    3.0 Puget Garters; Kunikpok, Tungortok, 'Rockster
    1.0 Eastern Milk; Carmello

  5. #65
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Snake lover 3-25's Avatar
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    so sorry tami
    S h a n l e y
    1.3 eastern garters
    1 midland painted turtle
    1 bernese mountain dog
    1 half siamese cat

  6. #66
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Thanks guys... sorry for the thread jack!!! I debated telling you guys earlier in the week and just couldn't bring myself to type it all out...then looked back at this thread to see if I'd posted and read my post about Lou & Tink... and how Sly was my one and only garter just a few short months ago

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

  7. #67
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Oh no. My condolences Tami. It's always tough.

    With winter fast approaching we are face with similar circumstances.

    Kaja a cat my daughter rescued in Pittsburgh and then brought home developed a urinary problem early in the spring, just started peeing on everything.

    I set her up with a poly dog house and heat, banished her to the outside.

    Cannot bring myself to leave this old gal out there to tough it out ALL winter long.

    However the second I let her in the house, she will wee wee all over my furniture.

    So now we just count down how much longer

  8. #68
    thamnophis puniceus Lori P's Avatar
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Aww, Tami, I'm so sorry. I know how tough it is. I've had some here that were just "off"... no way to know what was wrong, but they would also just snap & go Cujo from time to time. What can you do?? You give them the best time you can for as long as you can, but let them go before they kill something... it's sooooo hard. Hugs.
    Lori, New Hope Rescue-- rescuing equines and others

  9. #69
    Thamnophis inspectus Zephyr's Avatar
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    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Tami, so sorry for you. That had to be a hard decision.
    At least Chance is back in his warm, loving home.
    0.1 Storeria dekayi
    Hoping to get some T. s. sirtalis High-Reds next summer!

  10. #70
    It's all about the Fuzzies jitami's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: Where did you get that name from?

    Yep, Chance is happy as a clam. He's Lassie like in the way he watches out for my kids and is soooooo happy to be following them around again Once when the boys were about 4 & 6 we took him and the kids to a lake. Chance hated the boys being in the water and would just run up and down the banks whining at them. After a few minutes of this he took all their toys, one by one, back up to our truck and was like "ok, time to go home now!" lol Yeah, he's going to be spoiled rotten for whatever time he has left! He still acts like a puppy, so I'm hoping for a few more years!

    Wayne, I'm so sorry. Could you set him up in a pen in the basement or something... but then again, what kind of life is that? I so feel for you...

    Oh, and sorry to say Lori, she already had... her first victim and only casualty was the neighbor's chihuahua. Tink was 9 months old when the elderly chi from next door snuck under the fence and Tink got her She really has been an odd one from the first week I brought her home. We did puppy kindergarten & obedience. Part of the problem with Tink was that I couldn't read her...and I'm typically very good at reading dog language. She gave no warning, no barks, no growling, no hair up, no "eye", nothing I could figure out. She would just suddenly lunge.... anyway... again, sorry for the thread jack.... and thank you all for your thoughtful responses... ((hugs))

    Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
    from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.

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