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Thread: Miss Marley

  1. #41
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    Well, we don't have a lot of big predators, there's raccoon, possums, badgers, coyotes, skunks, and probably cats and dogs. We also have a lot of hawks, owls, and other birds that probably think that they make a tasty snack. And we have tons of Bullfrogs, good sized ones.

  2. #42
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    And tomorrow is shopping day for critters and get everyone food, including Marley who the past week and a half has eaten quite a bit. She hadn't eaten much during the winter. I tried fish on her without much luck so we're going to try it again since she's eating regularly and see if she takes it.

    Luckily there's a supermarket nearby that has fresh fish so I'm gonna get some tilapia. I had some frozen but found that article about frozen fish so we're gonna try fresh and freeze it.

    I'm also gonna get a couple of guppies and give them a shot and see if she takes those, as well as another thing of worms for her.

    I don't really like the idea of cutting up frozen mice, I keep picturing pieces ricocheting when I try to cut it.

  3. #43
    T.s. affectionado EasternGirl's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    I won't lie to happens sometimes...the pieces ricocheting. You learn to hold on to the mouse so it doesn't happen. You can just take a paper towel or a piece of plastic and hold it with one hand and cut with the really isn't that bad cutting them when they are get used to it. But my snakes love frozen/thawed fish and worms. You may want to think about getting some calcium/vitamin D3 supplement powder too. Repcal is a good one. You just lightly dust the food with it every 3-4 feedings. I bought mine at Amazon online. Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 (4.1 oz) Ultrafine Powder Pink bottle: Pet Supplies
    3.3 T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 1.2 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis
    Izzy, Seeley, Ziggy, Perseus, Peanut, Snapper, Hermes, Sadie, Osiris, Seraphina, Little Joe

  4. #44
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    Already have some, still have about half a jar. I've been putting on her worms every so often.

    And its the same stuff that my Leo uses, so I'm already familiar with it. I also have the multi vitamin as well, does Marley need that as well.

  5. #45
    T.s. affectionado EasternGirl's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    Some people use it some people don't...some people think garters need it and some people don't. My vet said he worries about overdosing the garters with the multivitamins because they are so small and getting the dosing right is difficult. But I know some people use them and cut the dose back. I just use the calcium and D3 so I can't really advise on the multivitamins, but if you want to use them I'm sure other members could tell you how to dose them.
    3.3 T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 1.2 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis
    Izzy, Seeley, Ziggy, Perseus, Peanut, Snapper, Hermes, Sadie, Osiris, Seraphina, Little Joe

  6. #46
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    I won't worry about the multi at the moment then.

    Not showing any interest in the tilapia, but she ate a couple of the guppies I got her, so yay!

  7. #47
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    Scent the tilapia with guppies. Works like magic.

  8. #48
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    Okay, I'll give that a shot then with the next bunch, she finished off the last couple of them in her bowl as well as a worm chunk.

  9. #49
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    Attempt two went over a little better, I got her to take a piece of tilapia after I rolled it in a small worm I mashed up. She wouldn't take it out of the hemostats but she took it out of her bowl.

    So yay! One piece down.

  10. #50
    Thamtographer katach's Avatar
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    Re: Miss Marley

    Good job!
    2.2 T.s.pickeringii, 0.4.7 T.ordinoides 1.1 T.marcianus 1.1 T. radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis 1.2 Pseudacris regilla

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