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  1. #31
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    There is no need to be harsh at all. This got its own thread because I wanted to give him a chance to explain what he meant. I do not want it to be a witch hunt and I don't want to see any "love it or leave it" type comments or insults. He's got grievances and I want to know what they are and where they stem from. He didn't start this thread, I did.

    Everybody, chill.

  2. #32
    T.s. affectionado EasternGirl's Avatar
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    Whatever. I have to say that what provoked this...whether or not Stefan started this that Snakeman always comes on this forum spouting nonsense and calling it fact and then he turns around and says that we don't know what we are talking about. "Ummm...hello? Pot? This is're black". That's all I'm saying. Stefan, I appreciate you giving a person a chance to discuss their grievances...but he is just insulting us and this forum. There is a difference between getting grievances off your chest and outright insulting people.
    3.3 T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 1.2 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis
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  3. #33
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    I got no beef with snakeman and respect any advice he gives, and I'm not defending me and my advice which may or may not be sound. If i'm defending anyone, it's the forum and it's respected members

    I have never heard any advice against Tilpia. I was under the impression, whether I still am or not, that it was/is a safe food to feed. If someone I respect gave me reason to believe it was unsafe, I would likely stop feeding it. I care very much about the well being of my snakes, and everyone else's for that matter.

    I have heated posisitive things said for it however, but some of the obviously most knowledged people in the hobby.

    This is the first I've heard of it, and with no reason not to feed it, I shall continue, until I have reason to.

    It'd be like me saying "Don't listen to anything (deleted name, don't wanna call anyone out, like I just said..) says, because he doesn't feed worms!" But I'm not going to.

    I'd like to hear any other reasons you have to diss the entire forum.

    Everything I've learned about keeping my snakes is from this forum. Everything wrong I've read about keeping my snakes has been from everywhere else.

  4. #34
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    Quote Originally Posted by EasternGirl View Post
    There is a difference between getting grievances off your chest and outright insulting people.
    Sometimes you can't have one without the other. (and believe me, I know. Used to have the whole dang forum biting my head off) Doesn't mean we have to be insulting too.

  5. #35
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" d_virginiana's Avatar
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    It's good everyone has a chance to air whatever grievances they may have, but I don't see how that comment was meant to be anything but offensive. If someone really thinks that everyone is murdering their pets by feeding them a widely accepted food source, I'd like to see actual information on it rather than just a statement that no one on the forum knows what they're doing. That's a personal attack (on a lot of people) without anything useful to attach to it.
    I can deal with harsh words if they are also helpful.

    3.0 T. sirtalis sirtalis, 1.1 T. cyrtopsis ocellatus, 1.0 L. caerulea, 0.1 C. cranwelli, 0.1 T. carolina, 0.1 P. regius, 0.1 G. rosea, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.1 H. carolinensis

  6. #36
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    I didn't even know this was about tilapia. It's supposed to be bad now? I missed something.

  7. #37
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    Quote Originally Posted by snakeman View Post
    I got my own provoked this was people constantly complaining about snakes having siezures.stop feeding your snakes fish from the supermarket!every week somebodys snake is dying.and no it isn't a brain eating amoeba.ridiculous.I don't care anybody buys my snakes.better off just putting them in the freezer if you're going to feed them talapia.I don't even eat that crap!farm raised fish is garbage.listen or don't listen.eventually it will bite you in the ***.
    Oh, I see now. Well, the only time I ever had snakes develop seizures was when I fed them wild coho for a period of time and it wasn't from the store. It was caught in the Lewis river. Never had a problem with tilapia or farmed salmon. Maybe we should just stop feeding them fish altogether huh?

    I can't help thinking that was directed at me since I just recommended tilapia in a seizure thread. The fact is, you don't know what caused the seizure. The possibilities are endless. There's nothing in tilapia fillet, farmed or not, that could account for seizures. Wild fish, however have plenty of things in it that can cause it.

    I find it quite disturbing that fish from the grocery store can cause problems for the snakes, but we're supposed to eat it? And I'm telling you that fish NOT from the grocery store isn't any better. Most of the time, it's worse than farmed.

  8. #38
    Juvenile snake jaleely's Avatar
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    I'm sorry, who are you, and why should anyone listen to *you* exactly?

    I kind of think you have no idea how i keep my snakes.

    Maybe instead of being obtuse, you should go around being useful like posting how feeding store bought fish is bad.

    And you have the nerve to complain about bad info on the internet (which is basically what you're doing). You're just attention seeking. If you really wanted to help you'd be promoting the good information *shrug*

    You probably have a lot of advice that's good, but see, now you've put off a lot of people from even reading your further posts. I really doubt if you care about that though. This was just for your own attention needs.
    31 snakes, 14 species. Various other critters, 3 emperor scorpions, 1 cave spider, 19 tarantulas, 1 gecko, 2 dogs, 1 frogs, 1 rat. 1 pigeon, tons of fish.

  9. #39
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    Look, I think I understand what's going on here. I too see a lot of bad advice here and I also see a lot of husbandry mistakes going on and a lot of problems happening because of it. I usually just state my opinion if I disagree with something someone has advised, and try to state why I disagree. I'm sure he's just sick of seeing all the bad advice and snakes dying and just wanted to get it off his chest. But the way I see it, I started keeping snakes long before there was any internet or forum for people to share information. I made a lot of mistakes. I think people need to make their own mistakes and learn from it. Luckily, at least you "newbies" have our experience to draw on. I didn't have that luxury when I was starting out. The way I see it, there's going to be bad advice, mistakes, and dead snakes. It just goes with the territory so I try to not let it bother me.

    "Who he is" doesn't really matter. The members that have been here a while, including myself, know who he is. He's good people near as I can tell. I think he just needed to say something. Let's not drive away people who have valuable experience and knowledge. We need people like that.

  10. #40
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Dont listen to what anybody says on this forum

    Richard - the forum needs good people who give good advice. The second part of that is the key.
    The only two people who we're supposed to trust... Well, I challenge anyone to look back through Scott's and Jeff's posts and find their last post which constitutes good advice that wasn't the same advice as many others had already given. It's easy to see their most recent posts, visit their profile pages and click the link to view their most recent posts. A more specific challenge would be to find the last post by either of them about feeding.

    The point I'm making is, yes not all advice on here is good, but the people that Snakeman thinks we should trust do nothing to counter the bad advice. If I'm only supposed to trust Jeff and Scott I'd be learning about garters in a vacuum of information, so with respect to both those members - sorry, I know who you are, but there are many more helpful people who do offer advice.
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