Quote Originally Posted by ssssnakeluvr View Post

here's my orange eastern...bred a couple years ago, had a nice orange one at birth, but the few babies died.
sad to hear about the babies that is a nicer orange than mine I'm jealous :P mine still has more or less a yellow stripe on top where as yours is 100% orange. I'm hoping some of my litter could maybe end up looking like yours. If not this year as the season is coming to an end next spring I'm going to hunt in Charle's area and herp like crazy since he's only a few hours drive away and see if I can slowly get some nice reds / oranges going but not too many as the law restricts the amount of native garters I can have. My reds someday and my current orange will be for show piece only and not to sell to make money. If I had babies and people were around I'd be more than happy to trade for some of other peoples babies or give them free as I am primarily in this for the experience.