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  1. #31
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    I'm wondering if this female will drop some scrubs over the next week or so even though she is dropping slugs now? I think it's possible. You know, maybe this shed is a prelay shed? Stranger things have happened. Lol. Oh, and she has lost about 18 grams as of this mornings weigh in. Current weight 288gms.
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  2. #32
    Juvenile snake FlameBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    In my experinances with breeding pickeringi i found that they are harder to breed produce small litters and that they require a higher humidity level in order for the babies to form inside of her i had many litters of slugs dropped when i housed them on paper towels or just beding but it wanst untill i used damp moss in their tubs along with bedding that i started getting fertile live litters.
    This is just my experiance within pickeringi
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  3. #33
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    Quote Originally Posted by FlameBoy View Post
    In my experinances with breeding pickeringi i found that they are harder to breed produce small litters and that they require a higher humidity level in order for the babies to form inside of her i had many litters of slugs dropped when i housed them on paper towels or just beding but it wanst untill i used damp moss in their tubs along with bedding that i started getting fertile live litters.
    This is just my experiance within pickeringi
    Thanks for that! So now that she is in the rack and the humidity is a bit higher I can plan to switch the substrate to a cypress mulch. That sounds great! Thanks again FB. Don had told me some time ago they are difficult to breed in captivity and do better in groups when pairing them to breed.
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  4. #34
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    Still seeing slugs this morning along with some putrid smelling urine and feces. I know she ate a live pink rat 24 hrs ago and some f/t frog leg chunks.
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  5. #35
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    Still seeing slugs this morning along with some putrid smelling urine and feces. I know she ate a live pink rat 24 hrs ago and some f/t frog leg chunks.
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  6. #36
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    All day the female blue has been shedding but at 6 pm I noticed her passing stillborns. So far I see two. I guess my suspicions were correct and she was gravid from retained sperm from a pairing with the previous owner. Hoping she can produce a live pair or at least a single male. Fingers and toes crossed.
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  7. #37
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    I originally thought this was two stills but its one that seems to have suffered a mid body separation. bluebabies.jpg Hopefully there will be a live male born or two. Or three.
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  8. #38
    "Preparing For Third shed" Rushthezeppelin's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    Awww poor little scrub. Seems like she's still at it so who knows maybe there will be some nice healthy ones at the end of the line.

  9. #39
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Albert Clark's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    Quote Originally Posted by Rushthezeppelin View Post
    Awww poor little scrub. Seems like she's still at it so who knows maybe there will be some nice healthy ones at the end of the line.
    Thanks Rush, hopefully. Wouldn't that be great?
    Stay in peace and not pieces.

  10. #40
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Blue puget female ....

    Sorry to here about the slugs.
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