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  1. #31
    Subadult snake k2l3d4's Avatar
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    Re: HR669 - Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act

    and see i am the sucker for the morphs... I really fancy the albinos, and somewhere in here I keep seeing these beautiful blue garters (i got to get one!)

  2. #32
    "Second shed, A Success"
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    Re: HR669 - Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act

    The thing about the blue ones (I think you are referring to T.s. pickeringii) is that they are a naturally occurring morph. No human manipulation. Some people argue that the albinos are also a natural occurring morph and they are right. Its just that its a mutation that does not sustain itself in the wild as a distinct population (like the melanistic Eastern garter) and so I am not interested in them. I have yet to see a morph of any reptile that I think is prettier than a really nice normal.

  3. #33
    "Third shed In Progress"
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    Re: HR669 - Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act

    I don't mind the merge at all stefan, I still think that if this over turns the reptile industry, there will be a huge spike in native prices.

  4. #34
    "Third shed, A Success"
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    Re: HR669 - Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act

    There is so much more to this bill people are not looking at and should in my opinion. Fish and Wildlife all over the states are busy enough tracking and managing the already banned animals. From what I understand there is a HUGE HUGE illegal ring of animal sales that brings in TONS of cash to the people that do it. A 6 billion dollar a year industry! Like they need to add to it. Like they can afford to add to it. No more local breeders means more take and illegal trade from the wild, more damaging for the wild species. Wild animals numbers are even being threatened this will only add to that problem.

  5. #35
    "Third shed, A Success" MasSalvaje's Avatar
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    Just a Reminder!

    I would just like to remind everyone to contact their Representative and let them know your educated opinion on HR 669. Be honest and classy, nothing can hurt our cause more then ourselves and how we react to this so please maintain your composure!

    This is a response that I recieved from my Representative, Jason Chaffetz.

    May 5, 2009

    Dear Mr. Wilder,

    Thank you for taking the time to contact my office regarding HR 669, the Non-Native Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act. This very important issue has far-reaching effects and has received a great deal of attention here in Washington DC .

    As you may know, the House Natural Resource Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans, and Wildlife held a legislative hearing regarding HR 699 on April 23. I have engaged in discussions with other Members and with my personal staff regarding this bill. We have also received a plethora of phone calls, emails, and faxes from various constituency groups. Arguments for both sides of the issue have been made, and I very much appreciate all thoughts and opinions as I continue to evaluate the issue.

    As this bill works its way through the full committee and on to the House floor, I will certainly keep your views in mind. Again, thank you for contacting my office, please do not hesitate to do so again in the future with any other questions or concerns.


    Jason Chaffetz
    Member of Congress
    I encourage everyone to get involved if you have not already.


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