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  1. #31
    Old and wise snake KITKAT's Avatar
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    Re: My Heart Beat Theory

    And from the cat world, I can relate. My studcat Obie bred the back of my neck once. Since claws and teeth were present, though not engaged in this act, I just held still and let him finish.

    And sure enough! 65 days later, I had four kittens... and they came out of my middle finger!


    Quote Originally Posted by jeanette View Post
    The heart beat theory isnt a new thing, its been investigated in mammels but not so much in reptiles.
    any creature that spends any amount of time with its own kind can also respond to the comfort of a heart beat, but even snakes born from eggs can respond to the sound of a heart beat especially males that have just become of breeding age and have never smelt a female in oestrus . Much to my hubby's delight and imense laughter we discovered that our Ball/Royal Python had infact initiated a mating ritual with me, he crawled up my body to my neck (felt my heartbeat) and proceeded to massage the area whilst rubbing his spurs on my arm. We thought this was completely off the wall and went and had a chat with our herpetologist friend. he said its not usual but it can happen, and it could just have easily happened to my hubby as it did to me. The male having never smelt a female of his own kind in heat and having just come of breeding age responded to my heart beat. i feel so violated
    "Acts of kindness should never be random."

  2. #32
    "Third shed, A Success" jeanette's Avatar
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    Re: My Heart Beat Theory

    Quote Originally Posted by Garter_Gertie View Post
    Forgive me for posting this topic. To me it was new, wonderful and enlightning. Again, I'm new to this. I found it so exciting and wonderful. Like a door into the world of snakes - like getting in touch with them on their level. Like we could communicate in some way.

    It excited me so much that in a primeval way I could communicate with Wiinne and we could join - I dare not say bond.

    I do feel I communicate with Winnie, and will with my own snakes. Bonding may only be one way, but that doesn't mean it's frivolous or not real or less important than a two-way bond.

    Ya'gotta take things at face value. A snake is NOT gonna 'bond' like a dog or cat or a human. But I do truly believe a snake will form a relationship. Of some kind.
    i agree that it is possible to form some kind of relationship with them, and i truely do not know how they view this relationship but its something, some kind of relationship. i guess we will never know unless we can get into the brain of a snake.

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